Goodbye Alastor.

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Roo grasped adam in a choke hold with a tendril dragging him closer with a smile.

Her smile widened as he coughed, choking from the constraining hold, trying to pry it off with his palms.

She stopped, her eyes opening wide as the environment painted an eerie green, shaking with a rumble.

She gazed into the distance with a pensive expression as she hobbled, eerie metal music streaking out in the distance.

"Urrrghhhh !!" She exclaimed, her eyes wide in distain and disappointment as she turned towards the origin of the sound.

She flunged adam away, turning to saunter towards the sound with a frown.

She stopped as a familiar cackling laughter emanated from behind her.

She smiled, remembering a person she had all but forgotten until now.

She swiveled coming face to face with the sauntering demon, striding towards her with an injured gait.

Alastor smiled, an eerie smile, his body burned and charred with fire, dried blood clinging to his once pristine coat.

His eyes glowed a deep green as demonic anklets slowly erupted out of his scalp, his smile despite looking more disturbing looked much more genuine than she had ever experienced.

"Alastor ..." she greeted with a smile.

"My dear. " He greeted with a wide grin of his own as he grasped his staff tightly.

"I knew you had something up your sleave .." she said.

"But diablo ?" She asked.

"That's actually pretty hardcore and impressive." She admitted with a smile.

She didn't miss the howls of souls emanating from him, swerving around him at the ready.

"Yes. " he agreed, his voice deepening as his form altered.

"I had suffered greatly for that contract."

"Far more than i had for yours." He continued.

"Yet it had paid in spades." He finished as he closed his palm, crushing a green energy ball to pieces.

"Supposedly you get rid of me." She said.

"Which you wouldn't but supposedly."

"Do you know what diablo is going to do to hell ?" She asked as she strode closer.

Both were oblivious to adam as he slowly scurried away from the confrontation.

"I keep balance in hell." She stated.

"Diablo is a parasite."

"He is going to leech and drain every single soul in this abode until nothing is left."

Alastor's smile widened as he listened onwards.

"Hell will be an empty void, filled with nothing but a gluttonous king constantly feeding on any soul unlucky enough to be doomed to damnation."

She held her chest, indicating herself.

"At least under me, hell isn't a complete sh*thole. You get to f**k, kill, steal, cheat, bond, whatever strikes your fancy."

"I might be evil, but hell is my home." She continued.

"I would never do any direct harm to it."

"So i'm not going to let any fallen arch angel take that from me !!" She finished.

She stood at the ready waiting for his movements.

"I see he's given you a power up as well." She observed.

"Don't you dare think that'll be enough to kill me."

He laughed, cackling demonically in glee.

"Even i am not conceited enough to believe that." He replied.

"I don't want to kill you." He admitted.

"I want to hurt you ... over and over again." He finished as his form towered, green energy streaking out of his body blindingly, painting the environment an eerie golden green.


Roo smiled as evil tendrils lanced at him with blinding speed.

Alastor laughed as he staggered, souls swerving around him, dismembering and destroying the lancing tendrils.

With a howl the floor splintered, admitting a soulish shedim of wendigo design.

Roo jumped out of the way, just as the creature grasped a building destroying it to pieces with it's palm.

It opened it's mouth with a wail, pulling her inward with a soulish cry.

It lurched, dying instantly as a tendril lanced into it's body, effectively destroying it.

"Come on, you gotta admit we had some good times, didn't we ?" She asked.

"It wasn't all that bad was it ?"

She covered herself in a shadowy shield, as creatures of soulish design grasped and clawed at it, breaking it apart assiduously.

Alastor laughed lightly, his voice distorting further as he digested her question.

"It was a nightmare." He confessed.

"From the day i made that contract, Alastor altruist died."

"Smiling constantly to bottle up the insanity underneath."

"Today, is the first day I've ever truly felt alive !!" He confessed.

Roo shifted her head to the side as the creatures broke inside, struggling to get there claws in her.

She killed them, with lancing tendrils, the creatures dissipating to wispy smoke.

"Seriously ... i didn't know you thought this highly of this."

"You could have just told me you wanted to be free."

"We have a communication problem you and i." She mused with a smile.

"DON'T MAKE ME LAUGH ~!!" Alastor joyously cackled, lifting his head up in mirth.

"You ... let me GO !?" He incredulously asked.

Roo smiled, abating her eyes in mock shyness as she dismembered another soulish creature.

"YOU ARE A F**KING B*TCH !!" He cursed as he spewed more demonic entities towards her.

"ALASTOR !!" A voice called out, freezing the two of them in place.

Alastor turned to face the girl in the far corner, whom gazed at him in horror, panting from exertion.

She was different with maroon hair, blue robes and human features but he'll never mistaken her voice anywhere.

"SIR !!" She added moanfully.

He froze, his mind blank as he stared at her, pensively taking her in.

"Niffty ..." he whispered as he slowly took in his demonic and horrifying appearance in contrast to her heavenly and inviting form.

"Well what do you know ... your little girl is back." Roo stated with a smile, peering at her intently.

Niffty gazed at Roo in shock, her eyes wide in dismay and shock at her physical form.

Roo lifted a spindly palm to wave in greeting.

"And conveniently too." Roo added as her tendrils flew with suprising speed, lancing at niffty with barbs and demonic energy.

Niffty opened her eyes in shock, gazing at the horrifying tidal wave of evil itself.

She barely missed it as Alastor appeared in front of her with a blitz, burning a demonic green.

Shock plastered on her expressions as the tendrils lanced into him, puncturing every single part in his body with a blast.

"ALASTOOORRRR ~~!!" She cried as blood spewed into the air, followed by a green blast that blew her away.

Finally finished this ;)

Goodbye Alastor.

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