Extermination Day (Hell)

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Charlie slowly disembarked the stairs, accentuating every step by leaning her weight onto the stepping leg with Niffty closely following behind.

Alastor standing as still as a stationary guard flashed a wide grin in greeting.

She smiled back to him in greeting, turning to gaze at the other hotel inhabitants.

Angel resisted the urge to whistle in approval at her dressing.

It wasn't particularly provocative or anything, just that red fitted he perfectly, accentuating her already beautiful appearance to it's atmost degree.

She looked more like the princess of hell now than she ever did.

Husk flashed her a smile in greeting, something she reciprocated with a smile of her own.

She stopped at the hotel ground floor with Niffty stopping as well.

She sighed as her eyes blazed with determination.

"I owe you all an apology." She began.

"I couldn't stop the extermination from occuring." She continued as she ruffled her hair.

"It's not your fault." Husk replied.

"It is." Charlie replied.

"I should have pushed harder."

"And got killed." Angel added.

Charlie scoffed at there reply, laughing lightly.

Her face fell as she sauntered towards the door and opened it with a creak.

She stopped gazing at the red sky, the hotel inhabitants closely following behind her, with Alastor being the only one oddly staying behind.

"It'll be a few minutes before it begins." She continued.

"I assure you, that I'll do everything in my power to make sure that no harm comes to any of you."

Angel smiled but his expression fell a bit as he remembered something.

"You think we'll see vaggie ?" He asked .

Charlie was silent as she gazed at the solemn sky.

"We will." She replied.

She scoffed in laughter.

"I just know she'll show up." She continued.

"On which side, I don't know." She admitted.

"But ... It'll be nice to see her again." Charlie finished.

"I'll be nice to kiss her again." She whispered the last part to herself.

Husk and angel nodded in approval as she finished.

"Are you all ready ?" Charlie asked as she turned towards them.

Angel grin as he whipped out a couple of automatic rifles, promptly recliping and reloading them with his dexturous hands.

Husk smiled devilishly as he slowly counted an array of magical cards, shuffling and ruffling them together with a hiss.

Alastor made his way out, his eyes glowing a demonic red in anticipation.

Niffty's smile simply widened to a disturbing degree.

"Reinforcements are still on the way." Husk said.

Charlie nodded with a grin.


"Let's give them a fight to remember !!"

She froze as her vision crackled and shattered, dispersing into a magenta purple.

Her eyes opened wide, as multiple lost memories cluttered and ran through her brain in quick succession.

At first she was confused, sorting through the new memories with confusion, carefully observing and taking account of every new addition.

Her eyes opened wider still as she realized the significance of the new memories.

I staggered and fell onto the floor as the spell collided with my body.

She shot me ?

Her lips quivered as tears slowly leaked out of her eyes.

I want nothing to do with anyone of you anymore.
Is this really worth abandoning family over ?

What the f**k are you doing ?

I've only tampered with mine.

"Charlie ?" Angel called out.

"Ohhhwww F**K HER !!" Charlie cursed as she grasped her scalp in disbelief.

Hellish flames blazed to life, scorching the floor with immense heat, dispersing to form a wyvern summon.

Charlie deftly jumped and mounted the demonic creature as it screeched in anger.

It's voice reverberating with such force that it completely startled the hotel inhabitants to silence.

"Charlie wa-" Angel began, as the creature abruptly flew into the sky with a blast blowing them onto there backs.

It faded into the distance with it's rider, vigorously flapping it's wings as it flew upwards.

Husk hastily picked himself up, growling in anger and distain.

"F***K !!" He cursed, as he went over to angel and helped him up.

Alastor's shoulders slowly shaked in mirth as he observed the ongoing proceedings.

"WHAT THE F**K IS SHE DOING !?" Angel yelled.

Niffty's smile widened to an even more disturbing degree as she seemed to enjoy the spectacle immensely.

With a ghostly howl Alastor opened his palm, five soulish fiends spinning out of it and charging for Niffty with impressive speed.

They grasped her, spinning her in the air to the shock and suprise of both husk and angel.

Alastor laughed maniacally as she struggled to escape there deadly grasp.

The souls promptly ripped her apart, each taking a piece of her with it.
A leg, the torso, the entrails, the head and the arms.

Angel and husk froze in shock, startled by the gruesome display as the souls dispersed away with there acquired prize.

They swiftly turned to intercept him with there respective weapons.

But where already too late, as he blasted them away with a green telekinetic blast sending them toppling and clattering onto the floor.

He swiftly turned and dashed for his selected location.

Finally finished this ;)

Give me some reviews ;).

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