A Shoulder to lean on.

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Vaggie flipped through the vast array of hellish literature in Charlie's room ,looking for any specific one that talk about the pentagram city clock tower in the pride ring.

She sighed in frustration when she found non .

She found some guide books talking about tourist attractions ,locations to visit in the pride ring but not a single one even alluding to the clock tower .

It seems even in hell ,it was a topic of great sensitivity, one everyone would prefer to ignore than to acknowledge even existed .

At least that's what she thought ,she refused to believe that they had no knowledge of what was kept in that clock tower.

She carefully returned the vast array of literature to there places in the library ,sighing in frustration .

She was certain she had gotten a giant piece of the puzzle now .

Alastor had definitely made a deal with whatever was in that clock tower .

The similarities ,there aura and favouritism for voodoo and shadow magic all tied them together nicely .

"Seven years ..." She whispered .

Seven years ago Alastor disappeared from hell after an epic battle with the numerous powerful overlords in hell :- The vee's primarily.

It was an event she had very little detail of ,due to it happening years before her downfall

His disappearance after, symbolizing his defeat and downfall at the hands of the overlords .

Vaggie paced in deep thought .

Seven years was more than enough time to strike a deal with something that menacing .

Perhaps Alastor found something they had overlooked .

Desperation does make a man find opportunity were they intially appears to be non.

It also makes a man do very stupid things .

Her mind worked hard ,as the pieces of the puzzle assembled neatly .

"You asked for power to return to hell ..." She whispered .

"Then where were you all those seven years ...." She continued .

She was silent deep in thought .

"Could you have been inside that ghastly clock tower ...?" She mused .

"Then why are back now ..." 

"Why are you in this hotel... ?"

She paced onward .

"Why are you working with Charlie to redeem sinners ...?" 

That's where the pieces broke apart ,falling to disarray .

"Why did you save me ...?" 

The entire puzzle shattered ,falling into complete shambles .

That's where she lost it .

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