My Darling Niffty

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He cut the piece of meat delicately with his cutillary, lifting the fork and inserting it in his mouth .

He chewed slowly, thinking about the dilemma he had fallen into.

'Even his breakfast tasted bitter now'

His red eyes lazily gazed at the painting in his room as he pondered on the act he was required to perform.

"Alastor !!" The little girl yelled as she ran up to him.

His claws slowly sank into the table, scrapping at the wood with a creak .

He laugh maniacally as he gazed at the clueless sinner that recently manifested in hell.

"They don't throw my name around that openly little girl !" He warned, his voice tainting with static .

"THEY CALL ME THE RADIO DEMON !!" He stated, his voice twisting demonically as his form altered.

She tilted her head to the left, glaring at him intently with her single eye .

"So follow the norm." He added, as he turned and sauntered away.

"I think Alastor's better !" She called out as she followed after him .

'This b*tch is crazy' he thought .

His eyes burned a deep hollow black as anger slowly creeped in .

She hopped around him, touching his suit, stepping on his foot, and shoving him to the side .

'So many transgressions !!" the demonic voice in his head called out.

He lifted a palm to his face, his fingers forming a claw as demonic energy congealed off of him .

'Just one flick is what it would take to splatter her to the wall into a mess of entrails' he thought .

"It sounds STYLISH, FANCIER !!" She said .

He couldn't help but laugh at her statement .

He was thinking of her death and she was thinking of his style .

He lifted his head upwards,  laughing maniacally .

'This bitch is crazy !!!' he thought .

'Maybe even crazier than him !'

"You LIKE IT TOO don't you !!" She added .

'Definately crazier than me !'

"Oh my darling Niffty."
"Oh my darling Niffty." He said as he finalized his breakfast ,pushing the fork towards the half eaten deer .

He stood up ,tapping his mouth with a hanky as he made his way to the door .


"I want her ." She said as she glared at him with a smile .

He glared at her back as he tried to mask the rising feeling of fear and hopelessness in him .

"Why ?" He asked .

"I want to keep an eye on the hotel. " She replied .

"But you have my shadow for that." He replied as he motioned to the demonic fiend by his side.

"Tsk tsk tsk" she exclaimed .

"But I only see where you go ."

"I wanna see where I go, go where I feel like going at the moment ...stuff like that ." She continued .

He glared at her intently as he digested her statement.

"You can have husker, he's always at-" 

"I .. don't WANT YOUR HUSKER~" she replied cutting him off .

"I want your little girl." She stated, as she sauntered towards him .

"I know you've grown quite fond of her." She added as she paced around him .

"It's one of the reasons I want her."

He turned to face her as she walked around him .

"AS PUNISHMENT FOR ALL THE THINGS YOU'VE KEPT FROM ME. !" She yelled as she dragged him closer to her.

"You have 3 days to give her to me."

"If you exceed that " she added as she lifted him to the red sky .

"I'LL TEAR YOU TO PIECES !!" she finished as she dragged him down, slamming him to the ground and dispelling the hellish atmosphere .


He grabbed the doorknob and opened the door with a creak .

'One day is all I have .' he mused as he walked to the stairs to clear his head .

He stopped at her door, gazing at it intently.

His shadow rubbed it's palms vigorously in anticipation as it laughed silently .

It reached for the door with a wail .

Alastor grabbed and heaved the fiend back with his staff .

It laughed silently as Alastor sauntered towards the stairs, musing in thought.


"Take my soul." She said as she climbed onto the sofa, gazing at him intently.

He smiled demonically as he turned to gaze at her.

"Do you even know what me owning your soul means ? ." He asked .

"I do." She replied, as she snugged onto him maniacally .

"No ." He replied .

"TAKE MY FR**king SOUL !!" She urged .

"No ." He replied, as his lips slowly pulled back into a smile .

"F**KING OWN ME !!" she added .

He laughed maniacally as he gazed upwards.

"Oh my darling Niffty." He said .

"You really are off your rockers ." He finished .


Finally finished this ;).

Give me some reviews .

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