Fallen 2.0 ?

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Adam slowly walked into the club silently gazing at the few remaining patrons of the establishment .

They were three exorcists in total .

They all straightened in respect and trepidation ,gazing at him warily.

He gave them a nod of acknowledgement .

"Where ...? " He coldy asked .

The three of them ,the bartender included all pointed an index at one of the rooms in the club .

He nodded as he glanced at the indicated room.

"Get out. " he instructed .

They all nodded in approval , hastily sidestepping the first man himself as they made for the door.

Once he was sure that it was completely empty.

He slowly walked to the indicated room ,quietly pushing the door open and admitting himself in .

It was dark ,so his eyes needed to adjust a bit .

He could make her out panting lightly ,leaning against the wall ,her hands fidgetting wildly ,soiled with her own yellow blood .

He slowly took in the discarded blade tainted with yellow angelic blood on the floor followed by the severed angelic wings haphazardly discarded ,spurting tiny streams of yellow blood onto the floor.

She lifted her eyes upwards ,gazing at him intently.

She slowly lifted her hand upwards ,grasping her glowing halo with a wince .

She ripped it off with a golden wisp and flunged it towards him .

It landed at his feet with a clatter ,it's glow slowly dimming back to normal metal .

He gazed at it silently ,with an impassive expression.

He walked forward ,stepping over the discarded halo .

" So ... What's all this about ?" He asked ,stopping a few feet away from her .

She gazed at him ,panting lightly from the amount of blood she had lost .

"I'm going down there tonight. " she stated .

"Oh YEAH TOTALLY I get that. " he replied with a smile .

"I mean ..."

"What's all of this about ?" He asked again ,indicating the discarded wings and halo with his fingers.

She stopped ,gazing at him perplexed.

He knelt down to her level ,gazing at her intently with a smile .

"You've fallen haven't you ?" He asked with a grin .

She gaped in shock ,glaring at him intently .

"I was just going to-" she began .

"THAT'S WHAT THEY ALL SAY !!" he replied ,cutting her off with a laugh as he stood up .

"I'm the first man danger tits. " he said .

"I know how these things start ..." He continued ,pacing around the room.

"Cutting off your wings ,discarding the very symbol of purity. "

"Adam ..." She admonished .

"Sir !?" She admonished again .


"SHUT IT !!" he yelled cutting her off with a raised palm .

She growled ,baring her teeth in a sneer .

"You're my favourite exorcist " he admitted with a smirk as he walked closer .

"I just ... don't want you to do anything stupid ." He playfully chided .

"If you must know ..." She angrily rebuked .

"I did this to avoid detection as an angel. "

"All plausible. " he admitted with a grin.

"Just so you know we have a general extermination coming in six months from now. " he continued .

"We've gotten the main infantry ready ,an ophanim angel on standby with you and me leading the charge."

"I'll be ready. " she coldy replied .

He nodded with a smile as he knelt down to her level.

"That's what I like to hear. " He admitted .

He grasped her on the shoulder ,burning a deep golden imprint of his palm onto her skin .

She flinched as the mark glowed a deep burning yellow .

"That's a first man crest , it'll stay on your skin for three days from now. " He stated as he stood up.

"It keeps the gates of heaven open for you until then." He elaborated.

"After three days it'll disappear on it's own ." He said as he went and snatched the discarded halo off of the floor .

Lute gazed at him anxiously .

He stopped at the door ,holding the halo tightly .

"When that happens and you're still not back yet  ..." he began ,his gaze distant.

"Adam ..." Lute whispered .

"The extermination would be carried out ,with or without you." He said as he walked out ,slamming the door shut.

Lute gazed at the door in silence ,trying to cue in to the implications of his words.

"With or without me ?" She whispered ,her eyes burning as she struggled to push down the pain in her soul .

She failed miserably as thin strands of tears pooled from her eyes dripping onto the floor.

"With .... or without me !?" She whispered again in disbelief .


Finally done with this :) , kudos to Lazy_Authoress ,she kinda guessed that Lute might have maimed herself in someway ,shape or fashion.

I have to admit ,I kinda had an explanation for that but her comment really made me say :- "hey ,that's a pretty good idea . Why didn't I think of that ?" .

So I integrated it into this chapter .

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