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Alastor sighed in satisfaction as he finished his drink .

"IT'S BEEN SO LONG HUSKER MY FRIEND !!" he enthusiastically greeted.

Husk sneered in reply as he continued his duties .

"My effeminate fellow ,how many years has it been ! " Alastor continued ,addressing angel just as cheerily .

Angel recoiled in disgust .

"What did you really do to that lady ?" Angel asked ,venom lacing his words.

Alastor ignores him ,turning to address nifty .

"Oh my dear darling nifty !! " He began .

"Alastor !!" Nifty cheerily greeted as she lifted her arms upwards .

Alastor swept her off her feet with a twirl .

"I've missed you so MUCH !!" He admitted .

"It's only just been a day Alastor !" Nifty replied with a giggle .

"Oh my dear .." Alastor began ,gazing upwards with a distant yard stare .

"What was a day to you ...was an eternity to me. " he finished as he poked her nose with her own .

They both started giggling maniacally as they gazed into each other's eyes .

He flung her away with another twirl as he finally turned to address pentious .

He gazed at him intently ,pentious anxiously awaiting the anticipated equally enthusiastic greeting.

"Who are you again ?" Alastor inquired .

Pentious fumed in anger as he slithered closer.

He lifted a hand upwards , stuttering as he began his proclamation.

Alastor raised a brow in confusion .

Pentious finally stopped turning away .

"You're not even worth it. " he called out ,as he slithered back to his present endeavours .

"Welcome to our beautiful establishment ,I hope you enjoy your stay ." Alastor replied .

"However long it might be ..."

The door of the hotel swung open as Charlie and vaggie walked in .

All eyes landed on the two of them .

Charlie slowly sauntered towards alastor ,her eyes shooting daggers through him as she walked closer .

She finally stopped ,whispering a few murmers of greeting to the hotel inhabitants , completely missing the presence of the snek demon .

"Who was on your broadcast tonight ?" She asked .

Alastor stood tall and proud as he addressed her .

"An Angel I found at the cannibal colony ..." he answered ,just as vaggie stopped besides Charlie eyeing him wearily .

"What did you do to her ?" Charlie inquired ,her voice ringing with authority and power .

She was the princess of hell after all .

Everyone was silent as they watched the confrontation unfold .

Alastor's shadow smiled an evil grin
Even though his face remained impassive and expressionless .

The shadow bawled it's head upwards laughing silently as alastor slowly followed after with a laugh of his own .

"Alastor ...." Charlie admonished with a whisper .

"I'm sorry ..." He finally said as his laughter slowly tapered off .

Finally he sighed gazing upwards in thought .

"I ate her." he simply replied .

Charlie turned around and walked towards the stairs , fuming silently as vaggie followed after.

"Is this how you want redemption ?" She angrily called out .

"My dear ,they is no redemption for me ." Alastor replied ,his words striking a cord in vaggie as she stood still .

"There might still be something for these lot ..." He continued ,turning to address it's inhabitants .

"But ,there's really nothing for the radio demon up above. " he finished .

Charlie gazed at him ,fuming in anger .

Vaggie gazed at alastor for a while , contemplating whether it would be appropriate to put her questions to him now or later .

Finally she decided it'll be better later on as she followed after Charlie whom resumed her walk .

"Umm .... Princess ? " Pentious called out with a raised index and a mischievous smile .

Charlie turned to gaze at the speaker .

"Ohhhh ...." She said with an aloof expression as she slowly disembarked the stairs .

"Pentious .." Charlie cheerily greeted as she extended a hand in greeting .

He graciously accepted it with a hiss .

"What brings you here ?" She asked ,as if it wasn't immediately obvious .

"I've decided to give redemption a shot. " he professed with a smile .

Charlie glanced at his array of luggage and the egg boi's arranging and looking after them .

"That's amazing !!" She gushed ,cheering giddily .

Vaggie and angel rolled there eyes upwards .

"Come here you !!" Charlie said with arms astretched as she invited him in for a hug .

Pentious glady leaned into the embrace as she pulled him closer.

Alastor rolled his eyes upwards and turned away ,something that had not gone unnoticed by vaggie whom smiled mischievously .

"Do you have a room ?" Charlie asked as she let him go.

He shook his head in denial.

"Right ." Charlie began as she thought about the placements of the rooms in the hotel .

"Nifty !" She called out .

Nifty jumped up enthusiastically as she heard her name .

"Yes Charlie !!" She answered .

"Fix him a room upstairs ,far left in the corner. " She instructed.

Nifty nodded cheerily ,as she hastily dashed up the stairs ,zooming past charlie to begin work .

"Thank you for your generosity ..." Pentious began.

"I assure you ,your trussSSSsst in me would not be unwarranted. " he finished with a very insincere grin .

Angel scoffed ,his head on his palms as he listened on .

"I'm sure of that too. " he sarcastically said .

Charlie ignores him as she continued mulling over the new hotel resident .


Just a little short brief chapter ;).

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