Missing Her ?

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He sighed as he gazed at the golden ambience before him .

He turned to observe his companion whom was quietly observing the ambience while playfully swinging her legs back and forth .

They were both quiet ,silently observing the ongoing proceedings of the inhabitants of heaven .

"So ... where is she now ?" She asked.

"Down there ." He replied ,signifying hell with a pointed index downwards .

She nodded with a cheery smile as she continued observing the inhabitants.

"I think you should apologize to her." She said .

"I'm not going to apologize to her. " He vehemently replied.

The Seraphim smiled as she turned to gaze at him squarly .

"You want her back ?" She asked .

He hummed in trepidation as he swayed his head left to the right .

"I guess ." He replied .

"You miss her don't you ?" She asked

He sighed as he sipped his drink in silence .

"I guess ." He replied .

Her face fell as she gazed downwards in thought .

"Is it ... so hard to apologize then ?" She questioned .

"I'm NOT going to apologize to her ,"

"I'm her superior in every single f**king way !!" He replied .

"Throw that option out ." He finished.

Emily smiled as she sighed ,gazing upwards in thought .

She stood up and hugged him tightly.

"Just do what you feel like doing ." She advised ,as she tapped him on the back .

She broke the embrace and flew off to her duties .

He was silent as he mentally followed her departure .

"I'm not going to apologize. " He whispered .

"Not to that b*tch."

"If anything ...she should be the one apologizing to me." He added .


Sparks flew as weapons collided with impressive force .

Regardless he was unimpressed .

The exorcists went back and forth exchanging blows after blows as they dueled against each other .

He sighed as he grasped his halo in frustration .

"Stop !" He ordered ,freezing them all in there tracks .

He stood up from his chair ,slowly descending to the arena floor .

He gazed at the ladies whom were all panting from exertion .

"You ALL SUCK !!" he yelled as he stopped at ground level .

"That's poor form." He stated to the exorcist on the left .

"We don't swing a spear that way." He castigated another .

"That's a lance not A SWORD !!" he yelled to the closer exorcist .

They all exchanged glances with each other ,before gazing at him intently .

"Well ,show us the way to do it properly then sir." Another braver Exorcist called out .

All the other exorcists vigorously shook there heads in disapproval and dissuasion at the speaker .

He scoffed as he gazed at the speaker .

"Show you the way ?" He asked as he sauntered closer.

"What's your name ?" He asked .

"Harley ." The speaker confidently replied ,unaware of the unfortunate situation she had fallen into .

"I .... don't think that's really my job ." He stated ,gazing upwards in thought .

"Aren't you an Exorcist with a job to purge those filthy sinners to the ground ?!" He asked as he walked closer .

She backed away ,gazing at her sisters in trepidation and doubt .

"Yes ...sir. " she doubtfully replied .

"There's your answer then ." He replied .

"It's not my duty to train you ,it's your duty to train yourself ."

"That's why you have sisters to test and improve your skills with ." He stated .

"It's your duty to serve me " he added.

"It's not my duty to serve you. " he finished .

"Sir I did not impl- " she protested.

"However ." He began ,cutting her off as he cracked his neck from the left to the right .

"If it's a match you want ."

"I'll happily oblige. " he finished ,gazing at her with a grin .

All the other exorcists skillfully retreated from the arena ,assuming a circular formation that surrounded the two combatants.

Harley growled in distain as she tightly held her spear to her chest in readiness.

Adam smiled as he noticed her readiness .

"At least you've got balls ." He stated with a smile .

They all missed his movements as he flickered into motion ,slapping his opponent with a back hand swing that blasted her into the wall of the arena.

They all cringed as she recoiled from the impact ,slamming onto the floor with a thud as her weapon clattered onto the floor .

Adam turned and walked away without another glance at them .

"We have an extermination coming up " he called out .

"This won't cut it " he added as he flew off .


Finished this ,
Give me some reviews ;).

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