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Next day,Morning

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Next day,

Third Person's POV

As the first light of dawn gently kissed the horizon, the sky transformed into a canvas of pastel hues—soft pinks, tender oranges, and whispers of gold blending seamlessly into the receding indigo night. The sun, a shy orb peeking over the edge of the world, began its ascent, casting a warm, golden glow that bathed the Land of the Rising Sun in a delicate radiance.

Kakucho stirred from his sleep, feeling the warmth beneath him. As his eyes fluttered open, he realized he had rolled off from his original position and fallen asleep on top of Izana. Panic set in as he saw the older boy's face contorted with discomfort, his breaths shallow and labored. He quickly scrambled off Izana, his movements frantic but careful not to jostle him too much.

As soon as the weight was lifted, Izana's features relaxed, his breathing returning to a steady rhythm. The tension in his face melted away, leaving behind a serene expression. Kakucho watched him for a moment, his own heart beginning to slow as he saw his older brother figure's peaceful slumber. He let out a sigh of relief, grateful that he hadn't caused any harm. Gently, Kakucho adjusted the blanket over Izana, making sure he was comfortable.

His gaze soon fell on Izana's neck and collarbone. There, faintly visible in the morning light, were unrecognizable dark marks resembling mosquito bites...and bite marks. His eyes widened, and he instinctively leaned closer to examine them.

Kakucho's fingers hovered over the dark purple marks, careful not to touch and risk waking Izana. He blinked rapidly, worry etching itself into his expression. A sense of unease crept into his mind as he wondered what could have caused them.

"Morning, sleepyhead." Rindou, the first one to notice the youngest boy awake, patted Kakucho's head before making his way to the kitchen. Kakucho climbed onto the sofa and spotted Shion and Yasuhiro in the kitchen as well.

"Morning.. Hey, Mucho. You got any ointment or medicinal cream for mosquito bites?"

"Hmm? I do. Did you get bitten?"

"Not me, but Izana."

Yasuhiro's hands stopped working on the dirty dishes while Shion and Rindou snorted to themselves. He slowly turned his head facing Kakucho, and the boy with buzz cut gasped in horror.

"What the heck? You got mosquito bites too??"

"...these ain't mosquito bites."

"Then what??"

"Ask Izana yourself."

"I'm no kid, damn it! Just tell me!"

"And risk myself getting my ass kicked by Izana? Fuck no."

At that moment, something clicked in Kakucho's head and his cheeks flushed red. '...hickeys.' He went limp on the couch, staring at the ceiling blankly as he began rethinking of his life choices. 'Glad I slept through the whole night..'

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