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The next day,Morning,Yokohama,On the way to school

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The next day,
On the way to school...

Second Person's POV

In the bustling streets of Yokohama, high school students laughed and chatted as they walked to school, enjoying the morning sunlight. Amidst the lively groups, a lone girl appeared lost in thought, her steps heavy with the weight of her worry, unaware of the cheerful surroundings.

You continued trudging your way, your mind was a maze of uncertainty, questioning every choice you'd made in your life. The vibrant chatter around you faded into background noise as you contemplated whether your decisions are leading you down the right path or if you're veering into the unknown.

Kanji's words echoed in your mind like a broken tape. Ever since he confronted you about your behavior toward Izana, you couldn't stop thinking of it. Even after he dropped you off at your home, you were only tortured with more and more overthinking, stabbing your head mercilessly as if forcing you to figure out the answer right away.

As result, you didn't get enough sleep last night. Waking up groggy and exhausted, you still pushed yourself to attend school today.

You weren't in the right state of mind to face Izana again yet, the thought of Shion-- if he shows up to school -- facing Izana alone pained your heart. God knows what Izana would do to him. You didn't want Izana to hurt more of your friends.

With the heavy footsteps carrying the weight of your tiredness, you eventually stepped your foot in the campus. You made your way to the shoe locker area. However, before you even enter the building, a roaring car engine caught your interest. You turned to the school gate once again and much to your surprise, Shion was leaving the car.

'No wonder I didn't see him on my way here. Probably his dad dropping him off.' The answer to the puzzle in your head was revealed. You jogged your way toward Shion, approaching the car he rode in. Aware of your presence, he turned to you, his cheeks painted with scarlet hue, embarrassed.

"(Y-Y/n)- I- Uh-"

"Oh, is this your girl "friend", son?"

A man popped his head out through the car window, a smile decorating his face. You bowed down to him, presenting a warm smile for the older man. "Morning, Madarame-san. I believe this is our first meeting."

"Yeah, it is. But it feels like I have known you for years, because of all the stories I heard from Shion. (Y/n), right? My name is Akihiko."

You nodded to his question, affirming his guess as correct. You darted your gaze to Shion but he looked away bashfully. The redness on his face intensified.

"I wish we could talk longer, but I'm on my way to catch my flight. Please look after my son in my stead, (Y/n). Shion, I will see you next week, son."

Akihiko alternately shifted his attention from you to his son, Shion. The blonde-haired boy avoided eye contact, sorrow dawned over his face. "Okay, Dad...stay safe on your trip."

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