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Meanwhile,Somewhere else,At a hospital in Yokohama

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Somewhere else,
At a hospital in Yokohama..

Third Person's POV

Shu was looking outside the window, his eyes void of any emotion as he was lying down in the bed completely helpless. He was unable to move due to his wounded leg caused by the gunshot wound.

The brown-haired man heard the door creaking opened yet he didn't bother to look at his visitor. It could be the nurse bringing him meal though it did cross his mind that it was still early to eat lunch.

"Shu Sakamaki, your brother is here."

Shu heard the cop, who was assigned to guard his room, told him. Hearing the word "brother", he slowly turned his head to the said visitor. His curious gaze landed on a bespectacled man with similar brown hair as his. His eyes slightly widened. "Rei...ji?" He uttered the name of his twin younger brother.

Reiji couldn't smile like he usual but he did force a small smile for his twin older brother. "Hey, Shu." He greeted with so little enthusiasm. The younger twin walked over to Shu's bed, sitting on a chair specifically readied for a visitor.

"Why the hell are you here? You should be at that stupid cultural festival... And how the hell you got a visitor pass? Thought they said I was prohibited from receiving visitor." Shu was perplexed. His feelings were mixing. He couldn't figure out how he actually felt with this surprise visit. Part of him was touched yet the stubborn half part of him was disgusted to see Reiji.

"I got special permission, that's all." Reiji half-heartedly answered before putting down a paper bag he carried earlier on a nightstand next to Shu's bed. Shu kept staring at him before realization hit him. "Ah...the cops asked you to interrogate me in their place, didn't they?"

Reiji wasn't even surprised that Shu discovered the truth in a heartbeat. "Good thing you found out. Make things easier for me."

"Just because you are my twin brother doesn't mean I will share everything with you."

"I'm sure you will, Shu."

"Huh, good luck with that." Shu sarcastically retorted. "Shu." Reiji uttered his name in seriousness. "Are you even aware how serious your crime is? Not only attempted murder but illegal possession of firearm. Where the hell you got that gun?"

"Who knows." Shu refused to cooperate. He looked away from Reiji, fixing his gaze at the scenery outside the window. "It doesn't matter now, does it? The cops caught me already and I'm going to prison anyway."

"It does matter." Reiji emphasized, "I'm asking you this for your own sake."

"For my sake or for that girl's sake?" Shu inquired emotionlessly. Reiji fell into silence. Shu chuckled to himself before speaking again, "Always, always. It's always about (Y/n). It's never for me from the start. You're simply doing this for that bitch."

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