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Chapter twenty-eight: Robbery

Andrea Danver's story continues she was supposed to move to Riverdale for a better life. Everything was supposed to change, but it got worse instead.

The Mayor's Jubilee was supposed to change everything to a new start, but Riverdale was still as she found it. The haunted town.

When she woke up, she was at Jughead Jones'. The night before, she was introduced to a new part of her mother's life. The Serpents and a new part of Jug. Of course, they didn't do anything after the interruption, but it was a night she couldn't forget.

Drea and Jughead weren't an official couple, but they both knew they had feelings for each other. That morning, everything seemed perfect, as she sat with Jughead in his trailer, that was until he got that call from Betty.

Fred Andrews had been shot a Pop's Chocolate Shop. The two teenagers quickly rushed to the hospital on a motorcycle. Drea didn't even know that Jughead could ride one, and she didn't care. All she could think about was Fred and what Archie was going through.

When they got to Riverdale General, they quickly walked through the halls, meeting up with their friends and their parents.

They saw Archie pacing back and forth with his clothes and hands stained with blood. The four teenagers hugged Archie, showing that they were all there for him.

"I came out of the bathroom, and their was this man. A thief wearing this hood with a gun at Pop Tate, and then he pointed it at my dad, he fired." Archie recalled the events of that morning as they sat.

"My God, Archie."

"And then he-" Archie paused, causing the teenagers to look at him.

"And then he what?" Veronica questioned.

"And then he bolted. I was holding my dad. Pop Tate called an ambulance, and it didn't come, so I drove here I- I don't know, maybe I should've waited. Maybe I made it worse." Archie ranted with worry.

"No dude, are you kidding me. You saved your dad's life. First Cheryl and now your dad. If you keep this up, you're gonna be a superhero name. Pure heart the powerful." Jughead tried to lighten the mood and cheer Archie up a little.

"There isn't any new information. Your dad's in surgery. He's gonna be there for a while." Alice spoke as her, Hal, and Hermione came up to them.

"Archie, have you spoken to your mom about this yet?" Hermonie asked.

"No. I haven't called her. Be right back." Archie went off to call his mom when Drea spotted her own.

She quickly got up and walked towards her. "Hey, mom."

"Hi, mija." Isabel greeted with the same distraught expression as her daughter. "Do you know anything about -"

Isabel cut Drea off. "Fred? Uh no, not yet, but uhm, you'll know as soon as we do, ok?" Isabel placed a hand on her daughter's arm, giving it a small squeeze.

"Thanks, mom."

"Oh, and uh, Fred's in good hands. Tell his son that for me, ok?" Isabel said before walking off.

When Drea walked back over to her friends and the parents, she saw Veronica laying her head on Betty's shoulder, and Jughead and Alice looked annoyed.

With a sigh, she sat beside Jughead and held his hand. He held it back, giving it a small squeeze. Veronica looked between the two. She wasn't yet aware that Betty and Jug were over, but she would ask about that later.

After a while of waiting, Sheriff Keller entered.

"Sheriff." Archie greeted.

"How's your dad doing?" Sheriff Keller asked.

"He's still in surgery." Betty told him.

"Archie, I know this is a hell of a time for ya... but perhaps we could go somewhere and talk about what happened." Sheriff Keller told Archie

"Is it cool if I tag along?" Jughead asked.

"Actually, if you don't mind-" Sheriff was cut off by Archie.

"Yeah, that would be great, Jug."

The three went off, leaving Veronica, Betty, and Drea.

"There are certain things no one does better than Veronica Lodge. Makeovers, party planning, dance offs, conversely, there are things that I'm not good at." Veronica started to speak.

"Greif, comforting boyfriends."

"Yeah, well, that's the old Veronica talking." Drea spoke.

"Old Veronica would have bolted by now, but new Veronica doesn't wanna let Archie down." Veronica said.

"And you won't." Betty told her.

"Spekaing of."

They looked to see Archie and Jughead coming back. They talked before Jughead gave Archie a hug.

"Hey D." Jughead called Drea before waving her over. She stood up and made her way towards Jughead and Archie.

"Come on." Jughead grabbed her hand and walked them out.

"Where are we going?"

"To find out if the Serpents had anything to do with this."

Drea didn't ask anything else. Jughead pulled out his phone to call someone. "Who'd you call?" Drea asked.

"Tall boy."

The two waited outside the hospital for Tall Boy to arrive. They waited in a secluded area.

"Got nervous when you said to meet at the hospital." Tall boy spoke as him and the Young Serpent walked up to the two.

"I was wondering about when you said the Serpents had my back. Does that courtesy extend to a guy that's like my brother and a man who's like a second father to me?" Jughead questioned.

"What do you need?"

"Fred Andrews, my friend's dad, was just shot during a robbery at Pop's." Jughead stepped towards him.

"The guy was in a black hood." Drea spoke.

"Serpents don't wear masks." The young Serpent said.

"We get it, but some of those Serpents were working for Fred Andrews when, for reasons of his own, he decided to let them go suddenly." Drea started.

"Maybe someone took it personally went rogue. You guys know every hidyhole in town. Someone have to have heard something about what went down at Pop's." Jughead finished.

"Alright. We'll knock some heads. Let you know." Tall boy gave Jughead a pat on the arm before they left.

When the two went back into the hospital, they met up with Isabel. "Mom, did you hear anything?"

"He's out of surgery, but it's going to take a while for him to wake up." Isabel spoke softly. Drea nodded as Jughead wrapped an arm around her shoulder.

Isabel looked between the two with a smirk. "How was last night after we left?" She asked, causing both Drea's and Jughead's faces to turn heat up.

"We didn't have sex if that's what you're implying." Drea looked down as she spoke.

"Ok, well, you know, just use protection if you ever decide." Isabel smirked.

"Bye, mom." Drea took Jug's hand and walked off.

"She's so embarrassing." Drea mumbled.

Jughead only smiled to himself. He did wonder what would have happened if they weren't interrupted, and so did she.

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