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Chapter eight: Lies

"Are we sure that talking to Polly is the best idea. I mean, where even is she?" Drea asked Jughead as they stepped onto the Cooper's doorstep. Betty had invited them over for breakfast.

"I guess we'll just have to find out."

Jug rang the doorbell. A few moments later, the door opened to reveal Betty. She led them to the breakfast table.

Alice Cooper stood, serving pancakes. It seemed as though Betty's father wouldn't be joining them. "You must be Drea. It's nice to finally meet you." Alice gave a fake smile.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Cooper." Drea retuned the smile with the same fake expression. The four sat at the table and began to eat.

It was quiet for a bit. Drea could sense the tension in the room.

"So, Jughead, Drea. I suppose we have you to thank for Betty's ongoing obsession with this Jason Blossom foolishness." Alice interrupted the silence.

Drea bit her lip to stop from speaking out of turn. "Actually, mom. I was the one who asked Jughead and Drea to help me write it for Blue and Gold and Drea to take photos. She's an aspiring journalist." Betty defended.

Alice laughed. "Relax, Betty. I'm just making conversation."

Drea looked at Betty, who gave her a look. Drea nudged Jughead's foot under the table, causing him to look up at her. She raised her eyebrows at him.

"Do you guys have a bathroom I could use?" Jug questioned.

Betty offered to show him, but Alice interrupted.

"No, no, I'll show him. Follow me. Jughead." Jug followed Alice to the bathroom.

When they were out of site, Drea stared at Betty. "What's the plan?" She asked quietly.

Betty got up motioning for Drea to keep an eye out. She went over to Alice's handbag, searching through for Alice's book that she kept her names and numbers in. After taking a few photos, she sat back quickly.

After breakfast, the three teenagers were about to go upstairs for Betty's things, but Alice stopped Drea. Betty gave her mother a look and was about to speak when Drea assured her everything was fine.

"Yes. Mrs. Cooper?" Drea smiled.

"How is your mother?" Alice questioned.

"Excuse me?" The brunette's smile dropped.

"Isabel? How is she?" Alice asked again.

Drea stared at the woman. "My mother's fine. Uhm.. how do you know her?"

Alice smiled. "Oh, Bella and I were friends back in the days."

How were they friends when Isabel never even mentioned Alice. Actually, when Drea and her father asked her mother if she ever went to Riverdale, she said no.

Thinking back, her mother did seem slightly suspicious that day as if she were hiding something. Did her mother lie to her and her father?

"You are the spitting image of her." Alice's smile dropped. "Almost like her twin." The woman stepped closer to the teenager, causing her to take a step back.

"What do you want with my daughter?" Alice whispered.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me, Danvers."

"If you don't mind, Mrs. Cooper, I think I'm needed upstairs." Before Alice could speak, Drea spun around and quickly made her way up the stairs.

When she entered Betty's room, she closed the door and sighed. "What did she want?" Betty looked as though she was pacing.

"N-nothing." Drea stuttered.

Betty and Jug looked at each other. They knew she was lying but didn't say anything. "Well, I'm ready to go." Betty grabbed her bag so they could all go off to school.

"Sisters of Quiet Mercy." Betty read a name off of her phone as her, Drea, and Jug were in the Blue and Gold office.

"What is that like a church?" Drea questioned as Jughead searched it up.

"Or a Charity." Betty guessed.

"No. It's a home for troubled youth where disenfranchised teens will learn such virtues as discipline and respect. Enjoying lives of quiet reflection and servitude." Jughead read.

"Poor Polly."

Drea placed a comforting hand on the girl's shoulder.

The three decided to go get lunch. They sat with Archie and Valerie. Drea sat on the grass beside Jug and Betty, who sat on the bench.

"It's been months. There's gotta be a reason my mom and dad don't want me to see Polly, but I don't care anymore." Betty told Jughead and Drea, who was fiddling with her camera and listening to the girl.

"What are you guys talking about? Is there anything I can help with?" Archie questioned the trio.

"What we're attempting is a stealth operation Archie if we go in there with the entire Scooby gang, forget it we're compromised." Jug told him as he handed his almost finished bag of chips to Drea, who gladly took them.

"Don't you have to practice for the variety show anyway." Betty said.

Valerie and Archie looked at each other. '
"Uh no. I don't."

"Except that yes you do thanks to a certain Veronicaxmonkena. Excuse me." Veronica spoke, coming up to them with Kevin. She sat in between Archie and Valerie while Kev took a seat next to Jughead.

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, nothing, just that I had a few words with our director slash host and reminded him that he's heard you sing on numerous occasions."

"Even though it compromises my artistic integrity." Kevin spoke.

"Cutting to the chase, you have a slot if you want it." Veronica told the red head.

"Veronica, thank you, but you saw what happened." Archie told her.

"We all did." Kev interrupted. "Playing my songs in front of you guys is one thing, but getting back up on that stage by myself. I'm not sure if I'm ready for that." Archie ignored the boy's comment.

"Well, if it's a partner you're looking for. Veronica Lodge is more than willing and able." Veronica offered.

"Veronica, I didn't know you could sing." Betty smiled.

"Like a nightingale. What do you say, Archiekins? Be the Jay to my Bae."

Archie smiled at Veronica, who smiled back.

That same day, Jughead, Drea, and Betty stood outside of Sisters Of Quiet Mercy.

"Hey, don't judge a home for troubled youths by its facade. Right. " Jughead tried to joke.

Drea gave Betty's hand a squeeze before the three walked across the street to the building. What could go wrong in a home for troubled youths.

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