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Chapter four: Truth

Drea and Betty sat inside the art room, Grundy in front of them.

The woman seemed to be a bit anxious, which caught Drea's attention. She found that focusing on small details in a person's behavior could help a lot when in research.

"Thank you for taking the time, Ms. Grundy. Like I said the Blue and Gold is doing an article about spotlighting teachers, and you're our first." Betty spoke a wide smile on her face.

Ms. Grundy smiled as well.

"Let's begin. Uh, you joined the faculty last year. Where did you move to Riverdale from?" Betty asked.

"Here and there. I was mostly on the road." Ms. Grundy answered.

"But you have taught at other schools?" Drea questioned.

"Oh, of course. Right." Ms. Grundy laughed.

"Can we get their names?" Betty questioned.

"Uh, Seaside High. Centerville High."

"What made you leave?" Betty asked.

"They were temporary replacements. Just filling in for maternity, sabbatical things like that. This is my first permanent position." Grundy told the girls.

"Getting back to music. You're working with Archie Andrews on an independent study. Have you ever done this sort of thing before?" Betty questioned.

Drea refrained from rolling her eyes. She was going about it the wrong way. She rushed the question.

"Yes. Last year, with Tomoko Yoshido and Jason Blossom."

This spiked Drea's interest. The girl subconsciously leaned forward.

"Jason before..."

"Such a tragedy. He was an inspiration." Grundy said.

Betty leaned forward, whispering, "And pretty cute, right?"

Grundy leaned forward as well. "I don't think of my students that way."

Drea stopped herself from scoffing. Geraldine Grundy said that, yet Drea witnessed her making out with the Andrews boy in that same very classroom.

"Oh no, no, no, no..."

"I'm sorry I should prepare for my next class." Grundy told the girls as she gathered some papers.

Drea and Betty looked at each other, the two knowing that the woman lied to their faces. Drea never liked liars.

"Was that question about Jason really necessary?" Drea questioned. "Yes." Was all Betty replied with before getting up and walking out. Drea followed behind.

Later that day, Drea sat on the bleachers as she searched for information on Grundy. It seemed that there was no record of her before one year ago. It was like she had just appeared out of thin air.

Which wasn't possible, so what happened in her past life to cause her to erase everything about herself and get a completely new start.

Whatever happened must have been so bad that she would get rid of any trace towards it. All Drea knew was that Archie and Grundy were in a relationship bound to fail. And that was the truth even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Hey there." A cheery voice spoke. Drea took her head from her computer and looked up to see Cheryl Blossom standing in front of her.

"Can I help you?" She questioned.

Cheryl smiled brightly at the girl. "Drea, right?"


"I just wanted to say hi. We didn't get formally introduced, but I'm sure you know a lot about me brother." Cheryl spoke.

Drea was confused about what the ginger wanted. "Uh yeah, sorry about that. It must be hard." Drea expressed her sympathy.

"Yes, well, I'm getting through it." Cheryl plastered a smile on her face. Drea felt bad for the girl. It was hard enough having to put in a brave face, but smiling every day and pretending you're ok was harder than it seemed.

"Is uh, is that all you wanted?" Drea asked when she saw Betty at the bottom of the bleachers waiting for Cheryl to finish speaking with Drea.

"Yes. Bye-bye now." Cheryl spun around, carefully stepping down the bleachers. Betty gave her a small nod before walking up the bleachers towards Drea.

Betty took a seat next to her. "Could we talk?"

That night, Drea found herself sneaking towards Grundy's car. Earlier that day, Betty explained what was going on and the reason for her behavior towards Grundy at the interview. Drea didn't bother to let Betty know that she was already aware of what was happening with Archie.

Betty didn't know why, but she trusted Drea enough to let her in on her plan.

Since Andrews didn't want to believe his best friend about Grundy, they needed proof, and Drea was always about the facts and proofs.

"So much for letting this go." Veronica spoke.

"Are we really breaking into Grundy's car right now?" Veronica questioned as Drea used a slim jim to manipulate the mechanical mechanism inside the car door.

"How do you even know how to do that?" Betty asked Drea.

She let out a small laugh. "I had a small rebellious phase two years ago. I taught myself." Drea told her as she got the door open.

She pulled the slim jim from inside the door and unlocked the backseat, letting Betty get in the driver's seat and Veronica in the passenger seat.

"Ok, before we go any further. If I'm committing a felony I need to at least ask the question. Are you doing this because you still have feelings for Archie or...?" Veronica questioned.

Drea raised an eyebrow. She had her suspicions by the way Betty spoke about Archie from time to time.

"No, Veronica. We're doing this because Grundy has Archie under some kind of sexual spell, and he won't listen to reason. We're looking for anything that proves that Grundy isn't as innocent as she says she is." The blonde told her before searching the car.

Drea looked beside her to see a metal box. "Guys." She voiced. The two looked back at her. She handed the box to Betty.

"Bobby pin." Betty said, holding her hand out. Veronica took a pin from her hair, handing it to Betty.

"Ok, Ms MacGyver. Betty successfully picked the locked box open and smiled. "I learned that from the detective Nancy Drew handbook."

"Ok, go."

Betty searched through the box before pulling out Grundy's driver's license. The three leaned forward, examining it.

"Oh my God." Betty whispered. It seems Geraldine Grundy wasn't who she said she was.

Jennifer Gibson was the name on the license.

Veronica took the card from Betty, staring at it. "Jennifer Gibson? Who the hell is Jennifer Gibson?"

"That's not the only thing." Drea spoke as Betty pulled out a gun from the box.

Who the hell did Archie Andrews get himself involved with?

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