False Arrest

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Chapter twelve: False Arrest

   The brunette walked into Pop's with her mother. Her eyes scanned the shop for empty seating when she saw Jughead and Archie sitting with FP Jones and Fred Andrews, their fathers.

Fred looked up, spotting the two ladies. His eyes landed on Isabel. Drea noticed her mother's eyes widening slightly before she took hold of her daughter's arm. "Why don't we sit over here." She led them over to the opposite side of the shop.

Drea looked back to see Jughead looking back at her. He raised an eyebrow at the girl in a way of asking what was going on, but she only shrugged as her mother took her to a table.

Pop's walked up to the table. "Hi, could I have a chocolate milkshake and fries." Isabel ordered before looking to her daughter. "I think I know. A strawberry milkshake, a burger, and fries." Pop Tate recited the girl's order correctly.

Drea smiled at the man. "That would be correct." With that, Pops went off to fetch that order.

Drea looked over her mother's shoulder to see Jughead's dad looking slightly upset. It only lasted for a few moments before he calmed down.

Drea averted her eyes.

"So how is school, mija?" Isabel asked, leaning forward on her elbows. "It's pretty good."

"Pretty good? That's it? Where's the drama? Where's the stories? I mean, do you have a boyfriend, a girlfriend? Is there anyone you're interested in?" Her mother pried.

"No, I don't. I'm very much not interested in dating. We've established this. Besides, I've been too busy to think about that kind of stuff." Drea told her mother.

Back in Chicago, Drea told her mother everything. Seeing as she wasn't always home, Drea would save all her stories for when she got the chance.

It seemed that when they entered Riverdale, it all changed. Drea kept her life private, and her mother was lying to her. Maybe that was a part of why Drea didn't talk about her life anymore.

"Ok? Are you doing anything like cheer squad? Is there a photography club maybe?"

"Uhm. No club, but I take photos and do a bit of writing for the school newspaper." Drea told her.

Isabel was about to speak when Pops arrived with their orders. The two gave the older man a smile.

"I'll be right back." Isabel stood up, heading in the direction of the ladies' room.

Drea took this opportunity to speak with Pops. She quickly got up, making her way over to Pops, who was behind the counter. "Pops. Could I maybe talk to you for a quick minute?" Drea questioned.

"Yeah. What's up, kid?" Pops motioned for her to speak. "Do you know my mother?" She decided to just go for it.

Pops seemed hesitant for a moment before speaking. "Yes. Isabel and her friends used to come here all the time. They couldn't stay away."

So she did live in Riverdale. "How long ago was that?" Drea questioned. "About nineteen years or so, maybe." Pops answered.

"And then she left after an incident. We never saw her again until now."

"Thank you, Pops." Drea hurried back to her table before her mother returned.

It seems like there was something that made her mother lie, but what? What was the incident?

The next day, Jughead and Drea were walking into the Blue and Gold together when they saw Sheriff Keller and Weatherbee standing in front of our murder board.

Their faces didn't seem too pleased.

"Hey." Jughead spoke, putting down his stuff.

"Hey." Sheriff Keller echoed.

"Uh, what's up?" Jughead questioned.

"I'm gonna need you to come down to the station with me." Sheriff Keller told Jughead. Drea's eyes widened. "He didn't do anything." She voiced.

Weatherbee turned to her and was about to speak when Jughead interrupted. "It's fine, Drea." He gave her a reassuring smile that didn't reach his eyes.

Sheriff Keller and Weatherbee led Jughead out of the class, Drea following them out. "Call my dad." Jughead told Archie as they passed him and Betty. Drea went up to the two and crossed her arms.

"Yeah, we will."

"Of course."

Drea turned to Betty as Archie called Jughead's father. "They can't think he did this, can they?" She questioned hurriedly. "No. Jug would never do this. We were with him that night at the car, and I know him. He's not capable of something like this." Betty assured the brunette.

"I'll go talk to him when I can, ok? We'll figure this out." Betty gave Drea's hand a squeeze. 

A few hours later, Fred gave Jughead an alibi. Drea wasn't sure if she should have gone with Betty and Archie to the station. It wasn't as if her and Jughead were best friends, but she did go over to Archie's that night to see him. Betty had told her that Jug was staying with Archie.

She knocked on the door, waiting a few moments before the door was pulled open. Archie stood in front of her, a surprised look on his face. "Drea?"

"Hey. Uhm, is Jughead here?" She questioned awkwardly. "Uh.. yeah. Do you wanna come in, or?"

Archie pointed inside the house.

Drea shook her head no. "Alright. I'll go get Jug." He closed the door as she went to lean against the rail. She waited a bit until the door opened, Jughead stepping out.

He gave her a smile. "So..." Drea started.

"I figured it out...for now." Jughead told her, referring to having a proper place to stay. He leaned next to the girl, his arm brushing against hers. "I'm glad."

"My dad, he promised to get his act together." Jughead started. "I really wanna believe him, Drea. I just - I just want mom and Jellybean to come home."

"Jellybean?" Drea questioned. A small smile formed on his face. "My sister. Our mom took her with her when she left." Jughead told her.

Drea nodded. She knew he felt unhappy, but she didn't know how to help. Her thing was finding the truth, finding evidence, but how would that help her friend.

Jughead noticed her sad expression. He knew that she felt pity for him. He didn't like people feeling pity for him, especially her. He nudged her shoulder with his. Drea looked up at him.

"I have a question."

"Yeah?" Drea said.

"Why are you so nice to me?" Jughead questioned, causing a smile to form on Drea's face.

Jughead stared at her face, the porch light highlighting her features.

"I don't know, there's just something about you that I find interesting. I just wanna figure you out." She shrugs.

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