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Chapter three: Secrets

It's been a week since Jason Blossom's body had been discovered. Drea had made herself scarce when it came to the drama at Riverdale High, but the one thing she couldn't get out of her head was the image of Archie Andrews and Ms. Grundy in that music room.

She wasn't sure what to do with that information. In all honesty, there wasn't much to do. She was new to the town, why would she cause a problem.

Sheriff Keller had been at her home asking questions. Nothing too extravagant considering they had just arrived in the town. He just asked if they noticed anyone suspicious at school or work.

Drea Danvers once again found herself in Pop's Chock' Lit Shop. She sat in a booth opposite to four teenagers. They weren't aware she was there, but she heard Jughead speaking about the Twilight Drive In.

Every night since arriving, Drea had been at Pop's, and every night, she saw Jughead at the chocolate shop typing away on his computer. She always wondered what he was writing on that.

"The Drive In closing is just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale, no forget Riverdale. In the coffin of the American dream. If the godfather of-of indi cinema, Quentin Tarantino, likes to say-"

Kevin cut off Jughead's rant. "Please, God, no more Quinton Tarantino references."

"What? I'm pissed and not just about losing my job. The Twilight Drive In should mean something to us. People should be trying to save it." Jughead said.

Drea didn't understand what the drive in meant to the boy, but what she did know was what it was like to have something that meant so much taken away from you.

"In this age of Netflix and VOD, would people really want to watch a movie in a car? I mean, who even goes there?" Veronica spoke.

"People who want to by crack." Kevin commented, which made Drea smile slightly.

"And cinaphiles and car enthusiest right Betts?" Jughead asked Betty, who hadn't said a word yet.

"Totally." Was all she said.

Drea shook her head, the smile still adorning her face. She looked at the time, deciding to take her leave.

As she stood, she glanced at the four teenagers. Betty, Kev, and Veronica gave a quick smile while Jughead was too busy talking to notice the girl.

Drea walked out of Pop's and made her way home. The cool night air bushed across her face as she walked along the side of the road. Riverdale wasn't so bad at night, she thought.

While walking, a car passed with an odd combo of people. Archie, his dad....and Ms. Grundy. Who would have thought the teacher would be going to dinner with her 'partner' and his dad.

Drea's instincts told her to stay away, but the future journalist in her saw a story and didn't want to let it pass. She knew that it wasn't her problem to solve. She also knew that Archie didn't need some new girl who he didn't even know telling him what to do.

Even then, she was still tempted to get information on what was happening, and so she did.

The girl found her way back to Pop's. When she got there, Archie, Betty, and Veronica had been talking about Grundy.

What was she to Archie? Why did Archie lie to Sheriff Keller about being at Sweetwater River alone, and why did he protect Grundy. What did she want with the boy? Why make him lie to the Sheriff?

Drea didn't have proof that she made him lie, but she knew she did. They always did.

The next day, Drea was walking around school when she saw students with flyers. One of the students threw it towards the garbage, but they missed.

Drea grew curious, so she picked it up. As her eyes scanned the piece of paper, she smiled. Jughead was giving out flyers for the last night at the drive-in. She would never admit it, but Drea was the kind of girl who enjoyed a nice drive-in movie.

She placed the flyer in her back pocket and was about to walk to her locker when a hand took hold of her arm.

She spun around to see Betty. "Hey, Drea. I was thinking we could do an article about spotlighting teachers, and I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to interview Ms. Grundy. No photos need to be taken, but I figured I would include you." Betty spoke with a hint of nervousness.

If it were anyone else, they wouldn't have noticed, but Drea knew that nervousness anywhere. The blonde was up to something.

Drea caught on to what was happening. Betty wanted to find out more about the music teacher without alarming any suspicion. With Drea with her, it would seem as though Betty had no deeper motive.

After a few moments of thinking, Drea agreed. "Great, so meet me outside the music room when you're done." Betty gave a smile before walking away.

Drea felt a pair of eyes on her, which seemed to be a regular thing. She slowly turned to see Jughead staring at her from across the hallway.

She decided it was time to officially meet the raven haired boy. She walked up to him, a smile on her face.

"You know, soon enough, I might think you're my stalker." She said.

"Maybe I am." He shrugged with a smile.

"Well...stalker, I'm Drea Danvers."

"....Jughead Jones."

Drea glanced at the flyers in his hand. "I uh, heard you talking about the drive in last night. It really means a lot to you, huh?"

"Yeah. Are you coming?" Jughead asked the brunette who gave a shrug.

"I might." She smirked as she began stepping backward.

"Well, I hope to see you there, Drea Danvers." Jughead returned the smirk.

Drea spun on her heels and made her way to the music room. When she met up with Betty, Betty gave her the questions she was going to ask. Drea examined the questions.

"Isn't some of this a bit too much?" Drea questioned, her eyebrow raised. "No, it's fine." Betty shrugged it off.

Drea was willing to help Betty, but approaching the teacher like this may cause suspicion. She just hoped that Betty kept her cool with this 'interview'.

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