Dead Men Tell No Tale

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Chapter seven: Dead Men Tell No Tale

In the Blossom mansion, Drea sat with Betty, Kevin, Jughead, and Archie when Archie stood up and made his way over to Penelope Blossom.

The four watched as the Andrews boy offered Jason's jacket to Penelope. The woman stared at Archie with a dazed expression before saying something in audible to the four and caressing the side of his face. She touched Archie's hair.

Drea couldn't help but feel for the women. Archie had resembled Jason in some way, and it just hurt Penelope.

Archie made his way back to the four teenagers. "Did she just touch your hair?" Kevin whispered.

"That was really sweet what you did." Betty told him. "She deserves it more than I do."

Archie Andrews was a good guy no matter the bad decisions he had made in the past.

"Days like today really put things in perspective, huh?" Veronica spoke, coming up to them. She took a seat in front of Valarie, who sat next to Archie.

"I mean, at least we're here. At least we're alive." She told them.

Drea looked in her lap, picking at her suit jacket. She figured jeans, a T-shirt and black leather jacket wouldn't fit the occasion, so she went with black dress pants, a white  shirt and a suit jacket.

This wasn't the first time Drea had worn that outfit. Some of the people in Chicago saw that outfit more times than she would like.

A frown formed on the brunettes face. "You ok?" Jug nudged her thigh with his. Drea gave a fake smile and a nod.

Jughead noticed the faked smile but didn't pry.

A small commotion sounded at the back, causing everyone to look. They all gasped as they saw Cheryl in a white dress. The same dress she was found in at Sweetwater River when her brother was said to have drowned.

Drea had decided to be respectful and not bring her camera, but this was a memorial she was going to remember for some time. It was either going to go bad or extremely bad. All she knew was that the Blossom parents were not very fond of their daughter's get-up.

"Oh god." Veronica muttered as she passed them.

"Oh yes." Kevin smiled.

"Welcome to Thorne Hill. Thank you all for coming. If you would kindly take your seats. I'd like to start the memorial with a few words about Jason." Cheryl spoke.

Penelope tried to stand, but her husband stopped her.

"You're only going to make things worse." Veronica told her.

"The last time I saw Jason, I was wearing this dress. I know it's impossible, but I swear when I put it on, it's like he's in the room with me." Cheryl paused, looking at the photo of her brother beside her.

"Even though we were twins, I used to demand I have my own birthday party. Until one year out of the blue, Jason convinced me we had to combine them into one. It wasn't until years later that I found out why.

It was because no one wanted to come to mine, and Jason didn't want me to know. He protected me every single day. I wish that day at the river I protected him." Cheryl began to break down. She turned away towards Jason's coffin.

"I'm so sorry, JJ. We failed you. All of us." Cheryl cried.

Veronica went up to the crying girl, hugging her, trying to give as much comfort as she could

"I think we'll adjourn now. To the Winter Solan for a light supper." Penelope spoke.

Everyone made their way to the Winter Solan while Drea, Jughead, and Betty went the opposite direction to the bedrooms upstairs.

Once they found Jason's room, Jug pushed the door open, which caused it to creak slightly. The trio entered into the eerie room.

"Is it me, or did the temperature just drop like a dozen horror movies?" Betty questioned.

"Just the icy chill of the dead." Drea replied.

"Where does a teenage boy hide things?" Betty said as they looked around. Drea decided to take some pictures with her phone in case they missed anything. The quality wasn't as great as the camera, but it had to do for now.

"Under the mattress, maybe in the draws., behind the headboard." Jughead suggested.

"In the closet." Drea spoke, walking towards Jason's closet as Jughead checked the bookshelf, and Betty checked the draw in his bedside table.

"Hello." A frail voice spoke.

"Oh shit." Drea cursed as the other two teens gasped. Drea shuffled over to Betty and Jug, gripping Betty's arm. They spun around to see an old woman in a wheelchair.

"I'm so sorry we were just leaving." Betty assured her.

"Oh. It's you. How lovely to see you again. Come closer." The woman spoke to Betty. Drea gripped tightened around Betty's arm.

"I wanna get a good look at you."

"Horror. The horror, " Jug whispered.

Betty closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She tapped Drea's arm, telling her it was ok to let go. As Betty walked towards the woman, Drea gripped Jughead's arm instead.

"Come closer, Polly, dear." The woman ushered. Drea gave her a confused look. Polly, as in Betty's sister, that Betty was telling her about.

Jughead and Drea inched a bit closer to the two.

"It's nice to see you again too uh sorry it had to be under such terrible circumstances." Betty spoke. The woman took Betty's hand in hers.

"Well ofcourse you're not wearing it blessed." She spoke, letting go of Betty's hands and leaning back.

"Wearing what?" Betty questioned.

"The ring Polly. That ring has been in the Blossom family for generations. You keep it close to your heart always, but don't tell Penelope I gave it to you. Or..she'll likely come and snip it off your finger." The woman scared Betty.

"I promise I won't."

It was clear Betty was beginning to get upset.

"Such a shame your wedding was the last thing I was living for. I lost a grandson, but you. You've lost the love of your life. Poor child.."

"I'm sorry I can't -" Betty looked between the two teens and the woman before walking out. Jughead and Drea were quick to follow her, but Drea was stopped by the woman's voice.


The girl spun around, a horrified expression on her face. "You've grown into such a lovely young lady. Tell Rebecca I said hello." The woman's words caused Drea's eyes to widen.

"I-i will." With that, she quickly left.

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