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Chapter twenty: Homecoming

   "You know red is my color, but just for tonight, I figured I'd share it with you." Cheryl spoke as she put eyeshadow on Drea.

"Thanks for this. I'm not a make-up person." Drea told Cheryl.  "No problem." Cheryl smiled, then moved on to put a nude lipstick on Drea's lips.

Drea noticed Cheryl staring at her. She raised an eyebrow as if asking what. "Nothing. You just... you look really pretty. I did a good job." Cheryl managed to compliment Drea and herself. Drea still smiled.

The brunette stood up and walked to her mirror. Her mouth fell agape. She was wearing a wine red strapless dress that hugged her waist, flowing down loosely to her knees. There wasn't too much makeup on her face. Red eyeshadow and some nude lipstick that was it. That was all she allowed Cheryl to put.

She looked gorgeous.

"I look beautiful." Drea muttered.

"Of course you do." Cheryl stood next to her in a long red dress that flowed to her feet and, of course, her signature red lipstick.

Drea smiled at Cheryl before the two left. Cheryl had said that Polly canceled, so it would just be the two of them that evening.

On the way there, Drea felt nervous, but she wasn’t sure why. Probably because she never went to a dance before, but there was one thing at the back of her mind that she knew shouldn't have been there. Jughead. She wondered how he would react to her.

Once they stepped into the gym, Drea could feel eyes on her. She played with the bracelet that Cheryl had  kindly given her. Cheryl walked her up to Betty and Jughead. Drea's eyes didn't leave the boy. He looked handsome. Cheryl pulled Betty away before she could say anything.

Jughead stared at Drea, his eyes wide, his mouth slightly open. "What?" Drea asked nervously. "I-its just that you-you look. You look gorgeous, Andrea."

She wasn't sure why, but when Jughead called her by her full name, her heart sped up, but the compliment made it much worse. "And you look..very handsome." Drea whispered, a blush crossed her cheeks. Jughead smiled. He didn't take his eyes off the girl.

When he first saw her, his heart skipped a beat. It wasn't just a small flutter. His heart felt like it was beating out of his chest. He never felt that way with Betty, so why Drea Danvers. Why her?

They didn't notice that Betty had glanced over to them. She saw the look Jughead gave Drea. It wasn't just any look. It was the look she used to give Archie Andrews.

Drea noticed Jughead's eyes glance at her lips. "Jug?" She whispered. Jughead shook his head. "Sorry, what?"

"I asked if you were ok. You have been staring at me for an awfully long time." Drea told him.

"Yeah, sorry. I-im fine." Jughead stuttered.  He didn't do that often. Drea smiled to herself.

Archie walked over to Jughead and Drea.

"Hey Arch." Drea greeted with a smile. "Uh hi. You uh you look great Drea." Drea smiled at the boy in thanks.

They talked for a bit when Veronica came over, followed by Betty.

"Where were you guys?" Betty asked Veronica and Archie.

"We stopped at Pop's. " Archie told her.

"And what were you just talking to my mom about?" Betty continued to question. 


"Guys, can we table this? We gotta get ready. Come on." Archie and Veronica left the trio.

Betty watched them walk off before looking between Drea and Jughead. Drea took a step away from the boy who furrowed his eyebrows at the girl's action.

"Friends, students, and alumni. I hope you brought your dancing shoes. Please join me in welcoming to the stage Riverdale High's very own. Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge."

The crowd cheered for the two teenagers as they went up on stage. Drea smiled as Archie began to sing. She saw Cheryl looking upset along with Betty.

Drea saw Cheryl walk out and followed after her. "Cheryl." She called out.

"Leave me alone, Drea." Cheryl spoke.

"What's wrong? You were ok earlier." Drea ran up to her and grabbed her hand.


"I don't wanna talk about it, ok?" Drea could see the red head getting teary-eyed, so she pulled her into a hug. Cheryl wrapped her arms around the girl. They stayed like that for a while.

"I think I'm just gonna go."

"You want me to come with you or?" Drea asked.

"No, it's OK. Thank you, Drea. You're a good friend." Chreyl smiled before walking off.

Drea sighed as she watched the girl walk away. She soon heard voices coming from down the hall. She was gonna check it out when Jughead came up behind her.

"Where are the others?" He asked her, putting a hand on her back. Drea tensed at this. "Uh, I'm not sure. I think that's them." The two walked towards the voices and turned a corner to see their three friends.

"Guys. Betty." As the two walked up to them, they got quiet. "What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm suddenly left out?" Jughead asked as the three stared at him.

"Do you wanna tell him or should I?" Betty asked Veronica and Jughead.

Archie and Veronica walked up to them.

"We went to your dad's trailer to - "

Veronica continued for Archie. "To search it, Jughead."

"Why would you guys do that?"

"My mom put them up to it. She was convinced he was hiding something about Jason." Betty spoke up. Drea didn't miss the small look Betty gave her.

"We were wrong all us. We didn't find anything." Veronica said.

Drea couldn't believe what she was hearing. "We only did it to prove that -"
"That my dad wasn't a murderer? You went behind my back, Archie."


"How did you - when did you guys know to go to my dad's trailer?" Jughead asked.

"We knew he'd be at dinner with -"

Jughead looked at Betty and walked off slightly. Betty shook her head.


"That's why your mom invited your dad and I to dinner? So these two could break into his trailer while she interrogated him?" Jughead spoke.

Drea gave the two a disappointed look as they both looked down.

"I didn't know what they were doing, but yes, that is why she invited you guys." Betty told him.

"To think I was gonna pass on moving to Toledo with my family for...for you." Jughead's glance at Drea didn't go unnoticed. 


"When we went to my dad's trailer, you asked if I believed him. I said I did. Wasn't that good enough for you?"

Betty stepped toward Jughead, who pulled away slightly.  "It was. It was good enough. I tried to stop her."

"You could have told me. You could have warned me about this." Jughead told Betty.

"You were so excited, Jughead. I didn't wanna disappoint you." Betty placed her hand on Jugheads neck and cheek.

"So instead you lied. You all lied to me."  Jughead looked at Veronica and Betty. After all they've been through, his friends and girlfriend had betrayed him.

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