Drive In

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Chapter five: Drive In

After Drea left B and V, she decided to visit her mom. She worked as an ER nurse at Riverdale General. 

When she entered the ER, Isabel was coming from a patient's room. Her face lit up when she saw her daughter.

"What are you doing here, sweetie?" Isabel pulled Drea into a hug.

"You said you wouldn't be home for dinner, so..." She pulled out a paper bag from her own bag.

"Fries and a hamburger from Pop's." Isabel placed a hand over her heart as she awed. "What would I do without you?" Rebecca said, taking the food.

"Who knows." Drea shrugged. Isabel and Drea spoke for a bit before Drea decided to take a leave.

She took her usual way home. Walking. In Chicago, Drea's go-to was walking. She felt at peace when she took a nice stroll, and it kept her fit, so that's a plus.

As she walked, her mind began to wander to Jason and Ms. Grundy. Maybe Betty was on to something. Ms. Grundy taught Jason the same way she did Archie. Maybe she had a thing for red-haired high schoolers. Either way, it was still wrong.

Drea knew she was taking advantage of Archie, but like some boys, he was stubborn. He let his feelings blind him.

Betty told the brunette that she only wanted to protect her best friend, and that was the truth. Drea understood what it was like to love someone and be willing to do anything to protect them. Even finding out the dark secrets being held.

Riverdale was a place where she would be finding out a lot of secrets. Everyone had their mysteries, but it seemed that the people of Riverdale had a bit more secrets than one would expect from the small town.

The next day, Drea found herself at the closing night of the Twilight Drive In. Rebel Without A Cause showed as she came from getting popcorn.

She took a few quick photos of the scene before joining  Kevin and Veronica in Kevin's truck. Veronica sat on one side of Kev while she sat on the other.

A few seconds later, Cheryl pulled up in front of them. The three looked at each other confused.

"Make some room outcasts." She spoke before getting in and sitting next to Veronica.

"Hey, Dre Dre." Cheryl greeted Drea, who frowned at the nickname.

"Hi..Cher Cher?" Drea cringed.

"That hair." Kevin spoke after a bit of watching the show.

"That jacket." Veronica said.

"Jason always adored the drive in." Cheryl started causing the three to look at each other in slight annoyance, but some sympathy was felt for the girl.

The southside persistent noise interrupted the movie. "Southside trash." Kevin spoke.

"They've been doing that since the opening credits."

Drea rolled her eyes as the noise continued.

Kevin tried to shush them, but it did nothing to their little party in the back.

Veronica stood up, having enough of them.

"Hey! Do you know what happens to snake when a Louis Vuitton heel steps on it? Shut the hell up, or you'll find out."

Some of the people cheered or honked their horn to the fact that someone was trying to get them to shut up. Which they did.  Veronica gave a small curtsy, and thanks.

Drea smirked at the girl.

"I can not believe you just threatened a gang banger." Kevin spoke.

"I've dealt with worse in the east village. I just hate when people disrespect my cinematic experience." Veronica expressed.

"Agreed hot stuff." Drea gave Veronica a high five.

"Refill." Veronica spoke, handing Cheryl the popcorn bucket. "Yeah, Kev refill." Cheryl handed the bucket to Kevin, who snatched it from her and hopped out of the truck.

Drea looked at her own bucket and saw that she was also in need of a refill herself, so she got out with him.

As they walked towards the booth, something caught Drea's eye. Hermione Lodge seemed to have been following a man behind a building. It looked as though Hermione wasn't trying to be caught.

If it were anyone else, Drea would have investigated, but Hermione had been sweet to her at Pop's, and overall, it was Veronica's mother. She wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their relationship.

Once she got the popcorn, she left Kevin to get his cola and gummy worms.

After the drive-in, Jughead found Drea looking through the photos that she had taken earlier.

"Hey." Drea turned around to see Jughead standing with his hands in his pocket, a backpack on his back.

"Hello stalker." Drea greeted me with a sad smile. She could see the pain Jughead felt about losing the drive-in.

That was the thing about this life. There will always be something that you're going to lose, whether it means something to others or not.

"Are you ok?" Drea asked, knowing the answer. "I'm fine."

"Are you ok?" She repeated, this time wanting the real answer.

"Not really no." Jughead sighed. "Wanna go to Pop's?" Drea suggested. She figured a milkshake from Pop's would at least make him feel slightly better.

"Yeah." He gave her a forced smile.

The duo made their way to the diner. It was the one place they both felt safe at. Even if she was only in Riverdale for a small amount of time, she felt as though Pop's was her go-to comfort spot. She felt at home in the small diner, but she didn't know why.

The two sat in Pop's talking about things that made absolutely no sense. They didn't say much about themselves. The only thing mentioned was what was seen. Drea's photography and Jughead's novel.

They talked and laughed the whole night through. When the sun began to rise, Jughead spoke up. "I need to do something."

Drea offered to tag along, and he let her.

Jughead brought her to the projection booth at the drive-in. He took a spray paint from his bag that he had placed on the ground. Drea watched as he wrote the words  Jughead Jones was here.

"May I?" Drea reached for the can. Jughead handed it to her. She then drew a crown above the boy's writing and put her initials D.D. before throwing the can to the side.

Jughead collected his bag. As the two turned around, a familiar looking man stood in front of them.

It was the man from the night before. The same one she saw with Hermione.

"They'll tear that booth down, too. Raze the whole place, send it to the junk yard and us with it." The man spoke.

"Yeah, maybe they'll save it. All the pieces. Store it in the town hall attic and rebuild it in a hundred years, wondering who the hell we were." Jughead hoped.

The man hummed. "So where you gonna live now?" The man questioned.

Drea raised an eyebrow. Jughead lived in the projection booth?

"I'll figure it out, dad."

Drea was learning some things about Jughead that morning.

"I always do." With that, Jughead walked off, Drea following.

Jughead's father watched as the two teenagers  walked off together.

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