Why lie

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Chapter twenty-three: Why lie?

     When Drea woke up, she went to the living room in hopes of seeing Jughead, but he wasn't there. She checked her phone in case Jughead had messaged her. That he did. It was a message telling her that Archie had messaged him to meet at Pop's.

She decided she needed some coffee, so after showering and throwing on a blue flannel and blue jeans, she made her way to the diner.

When she got there, she saw Jughead and Archie sitting with Archie's mother, Mary. It seemed their conversation was finished when Jughead walked up to Drea.

"Could I have a black coffee please?" She ordered before turning to Jug. "What's up?" She questioned with a tight lip smile.

"You know Kevin's boyfriend?" Jughead started.

"Jaoquin. Yeah?"

"Apparently, he was the one phone call my dad made." Jughead told her. Drea raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

Jughead nodded. "I'm going to talk to my dad. Do you wanna come? I know you have some questions, too."

Who didn't have questions. The whole thing was sketchy, but the police didn't see that, and she didn't know if Jug did either.

"Yeah, sure. Just let me drink this." Drea said as her coffee was placed in front of her.

After Drea finished her coffee and felt more awake, her and Jughead headed towards the station. When they were allowed to see FP, only one person could go in at a time, so Drea waited until Jughead was finished. Frankly, she didn't have to see the man, but everything was just too confusing.

She waited a few minutes for an upset Jughead to exit the room. She was about to speak, but Jughead cut her off. "Just see if you can get your answers so we can go. I doubt you'll get anything out of him, tho."

We'll see about that.

Drea was excorted into the room, the door shutting behind her. FP had his head down. Whatever they spoke about made them both upset. "Hey." She whispered. FP looked up.

"Not you too."

"Me too." She smirked.

"I just have a question." Drea sat in a chair beside the cell.

FP didn't say anything, so Drea continued. "Why did you lie?"

"Excuse me?" Drea could see a visibly confused look on his face, but she knew it was faked.

"You confessed to a murder you didn't commit. Why?"

"I don't think you understood the part where I did kill Jason Blossom." FP spoke with no emotion in his voice.

"You see, I'm having a hard time believing that you did it. Veronica and Archie searched your trailer. There was no gun, but when the police searched it, the gun magically appeared, which, by the way, is impossible."

"I killed him."


"I'm the one that shot Jason Blossom."


"There is a reason you confessed. I think it was because someone else told you to. I also think that someone framed you and you took the blow. Which I'm surprised by because not only did you make people think you're a murderer you made your own son think you are one."

"Jughead really believed you had changed he believed you wanted to help your family."

Drea was cut off by FP. "Oh, I already heard that from him. Why don't you do us both a favor and get out of here and don't come back. You should stay out of this for both you and Jughead's sake." FP told the girl. Drea stood up and walked closer to the bars.

"I don't believe you're fully innocent, but I do believe that you're not a murderer."

"Goodbye, Drea."

Before Drea left, she turned to face FP.

"Why did you call Jaoquin? Why not Jughead or Archie's dad, maybe a lawyer." When she got no reply, she left the room.

Jughead stood outside, leaning against a wall. "Did you get what you wanted?" Jughead asked. "You and I both know he's hiding something." Drea told Jughead, who nodded.

Drea called up Betty and told her to meet her and Jughead at the school.

"My dad's been lying to me his whole life, but he's never been any good at it. I saw it in his eyes. He didn't do it." Jughead spoke as the three stood inside the newspaper room.

"Then, why lie. Who's he protecting?" Betty asked.

"I asked him that, and he still admitted to the murder, but there was one thing. When I said I didn't think he killed Jason, it was as if there was some sort of relief in his eyes like he was glad someone didn't think it was him." Drea told them.

"Ok, so who do we rule out?" Jughead asked.

"My dad. We know why he's been so shady." Betty took down Hal's photo.

"Hermione. Veronica says she's guilty of (something. I don't know what she said) but not murder." Drea removed the woman's photo.

"Plus, she has an alibi she was in New York." Betty stated.

"Guess that just leaves Hiram Lodge."

"And Clifford and Penelope Blossom."

Soon enough, Alice entered the room. "Well, what do we have here?"

"You three can't just leave well enough alone, can you?" Alice walked further into the room.

"Mom. We know what you're gonna say." Betty spoke.

"The police found another dead body." Ok, that wasn't exactly what they thought would be said.

"Ok, maybe not that."

"A Southside Serpent and Sheriff clueless is convinced that he was working with your father. He allegedly committed suicide by overdose, and there was a bag of money on sight that linked him to Hiram Lodge. Everything is tied up into a nice little bow. Too tidy if you ask me." Alice explained to the teenagers.

At least her and Alice agreed on something. Everything was too clean.

"Betty's phone rang, and she picked it up.


"... OK, we'll meet you there."

By the time the trio met up with Kevin outside, it was dark.

"Whatever it is, we're looking for Jaoquin said it's out here. I didn't know if it would help your dad or make things worse." Kevin said as they walked through the snow.

"Well, I guess we're gonna find out. "

"Why did he wait so long to tell us?" Drea asked.

"FP called him from jail. Told him about their plan. Some contingency plan. Told him it was too dangerous." Kevin told her.

"De ja vu." Jughead said as they came across a Blossom Maple Farm sign. They looked around for something. Anything.

"Hey. Right here." Jughead pulled out a garment bag from the branches on the ground.

He opened it to reveal Jason Blossom's varsity jacket.

"Well, shit."

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