Music Progams and Bricks

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Chapter sixteen: Music Programs and Bricks

    Once again, Drea was seated in the student lounge with her friends when Betty and Jughead walked in.

"Just in time, we're celebrating." Veronica took a bite of her fruit as Drea took a grape from the girl's bowl.

"Archie was just telling us how he was going to some super exclusive music program this summer." Kevin said.

Archie spoke after him. "Maybe. If it happens, though, it would be huge for me."

"You have to audition for it?" Jug asked.

"Not exactly. Mrs. Blossom came by earlier and said she'd put in a good word for me." Archie answered.



Veronica and Kevin said at the same time, causing the two to look at each other

"Uh huh. What's she getting out of it?" Jughead asked, disbelieving that there was no price.

"I told her I'd take Cheryl to their family's tapping thing. I already talked to Valarie, and she's cool with it." Archie told him.

"Cool with you being a jiggalo now?"

"I'm doing someone a favor for my music, Juggy. I need to make connections outside of Riverdale." Archie said.

"That's the way of the world." Drea agreed.

"It's all about connections, but Jughead's right. These kinds of favors always come with a price tag. Betty? Back me up here." Veronica imputed.

Everyone looked to Betty. "I think it's a great idea." The blonde shrugged.

"Thank you, Betty."

"Yeah, and while you're there, would you talk to Polly for me. I just wanna make sure she's ok." Betty asked him.


"I'm sure she's ok, B." Drea gave the girl a comforting smile, which was returned.

Her eyes then moved to Jughead, who was already looking at her. He gave her a small smile and wink. Drea tried to hide her smile by looking away. Jughead noticed and smiled wider.

"And don't worry, Ronnie. I can take care of myself." Archie assured the brunette. 

"Famous last words, Archiekins." Veronica said before feeding Drea a strawberry.

The next night, Archie invited Drea to have dinner with him, Fred and Jughead. Fred welcomed the girl with open arms.

"So Drea." Fred started as they ate.

"What are your plans for after high school?' He asked.

Drea smiled. "Well, I want to be a journalist, and if that doesn't work out, photography is next in line. I uhm help with the Blue and Gold with some writing and I take photos." Drea answered.

Fred nodded.

"The photos she takes are amazing. She has a talent, and I'm not just talking for the Blue and Gold." Jughead spoke up.

Drea's cheeks flushed at the compliment. "Thanks." She muttered.

Fred was about to say something when the doorbell rang. He stood to answer it. After a few moments, Cheryl entered the house with a guitar case.

"The ice woman cometh." Jughead said, making Drea chuckle. "Hey Cheryl." Archie greeted as Cheryl placed the guitar on the counter.

"As a thank you for coming to the maple banquet with me tomorrow. I wanted to give you this." Cheryl opened the guitar case, revealing a new, shiny red electric guitar.

"An 84 Les Paul. In our signature color. You're welcome."

Drea stood up to look at the guitar. "Sweet." She complimented.

"Ok. I'm going now. My claustrophobia acts up in small houses. See you tomorrow. " Cheryl gave Archie a kiss on the cheek.

"Bye Dre-Dre." She forced a quick hug before rushing off. Drea raised an eyebrow at the Andrews boy.

Drea decided it was time to take her leave as well. She bidded the Andrews and Jughead a good night, then left to her own home.

Later that night, Drea was on the phone with Betty. "She what?!" Drea exclaimed. Betty had just told her that Alice threw a brick through a window. Hal Cooper had changed the login in pin so Alice couldn't publish anything, and now bricks were being thrown.

"Betty, I'm so sorry." Drea whispered when she realized her outburst wasn't helping. 

"A-all I wanted was my family to be together again, and it's all falling apart." Betty sobbed.

Drea shook her head even though Betty couldn't see her. "No, you don't get to do that, Betty Cooper. You don't get to give up. Betty, I haven't known you my whole life, like Jughead or Archie, but I do know that Elizabeth Cooper doesn't give up when shit happens. You are going pull together because you are the only thing holding your family together right now. So don't quit on me, Betts."

It was silent for a moment. "Ok. I won't give up." Betty sounded more calm.


The next day, Drea stood by Veronica and Betty as Kevin went up to them. "Oh my God. Did you hear? Remember when you went swopping in to save Ethel because you thought she might be suicidal?" Kevin questioned Veronica.

"Oh no, she didn't -"

"No, but her dad did. He accidentally swallowed a whole bottle of sleeping pills. He's gonna be ok, but" Kevin didn't get to finish when Veronica walked off. Drea followed her, Betty, right after. They followed her into the bathroom, where she was on the floor crying. Betty hugged as Drea stood, not knowing what to do for the crying girl.

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