Baby Daddy Pt2

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It's officially Tuesday which means Isa's dad is going to pick her up from school and drop her off. I got a text from her dad earlier saying that he'll drop her off in about two hours because Isadora wanted ice cream. Now I'm sitting in my room, staring at the clothes on my bed, trying to figure out which one looks best on me.

Would it be wrong for me to say that this was all for Y/c.

I mean what's the harm in trying to look good for your baby daddy and possibly yourself. I get knocked out my trance when I hear my phone ring. I pick my phone up from the bed to see my best friend Sky calling. "Hey girl" she says, setting her phone up on her vanity.

"Hey" I sighed, getting onto my bed and laying on my stomach. "Whatcha up to"

"Nothing, just trying to find something to wear" I answered playing with my hair. She looked at me with a confused face, "For what and where's my baby." By now she had all her attention focused on me. "She's with her dad and im tryna find something for him" I said mumbling the last part.

"What did you say" she asked leaning closer to the screen. I rolled my eyes before continuing "I said I'm getting ready for him." Her eyes nearly popped out her head. "Y/n what is wrong with you?"

"I knowwwwww I know." I groaned. At this moment I was second guessing my decisions in life right now. "Hold up, wait I know it may be wrong but I lowkey like this idea you got going on. You did tell me y'all was checking each other out the other day." This girl here.

We probably shouldn't be plotting this but who cares. YOLO. "Yea I'm trying to decide what I should wear. They should be here in here about twenty minutes." I explained to her, looking at the time.

"Okay so show me the outfits." She rushed. I stood up walked to the other side of my bed. I flipped the camera around and showed her the three options. "Mhm I like the skims one. He'll def be looking when you wear that.", Sky was smiling ear to ear.

"Okay guess I'm wearing this." I sighed and picked up the clothes. I changed into the two piece set before setting the camera up and showing Sky. "OOO girl you finna have this man on his knees", she laughed eating her chips. I shook my head at her. I was about to open my mouth and speak but the doorbell rung.

I let out a light gasp and looked at Sky. "Oh my god bitch they here"

She put down her chips before speaking, "Ok it's go time. Make sure your boobs look good. You know that was his favorite part of yo body. And make sure to give Isa a kiss for me." I nodded at her request before we both said goodbye and hung up. I make my way downstairs and to the front door.

I opened it to see Y/c standing there holding a sleeping Isadora. My heart fluttered at the sight. We made eye contact for a few seconds before I ended it and looked away flustered. "Hey um you can bring her upstairs to her room."

He nodded before walking in. I closed the door behind me and led the way. I felt his eyes on my ass as I walked upstairs to Isa's room. I guess Sky was right, he was def looking. Boy can't keep his eyes off me. I made it to Isa's door and walked in. I watched as Y/c tucked her in, giving her a soft kiss on her forhead.

We made our way downstairs. "Hey can I talk to you for a sec?" Y/c asked.

"Yea." I walked to the kitchen with him following suit. I strolled over to the fridge, grabbing a water bottle. "You want one?" I asked. He replied with a simple yea. I grabbed our bottles and walked over to my kitchen island. I handed him his bottle before taking a sip of mine. I placed my bottle down, giving him my attention. I watched as his Adam's apple bobbed as he drunk the water.

This man here. How can one be so fine. The best part is he's my baby daddy the father of my child. Meaning I get to see him a lot. Kinda makes me regret us breaking up. The whole reason we broke up was so stupid.

When we were in highschool he was a basketball player and everyone loved him. He had all the girls wanting to be with him.

So me being me I was always jealous and started arguments. Y/c told me multiple times that he didn't care about them and that he only wanted me. I still didn't care tho. I let those words go in one ear and out the other. I didn't want to loose him. I mean who would, he was fine asl, smart, a gentlemen, and he had bomb ass dick. Isa's a result of it.

I was too stupid to realize I was messing up a good thing and we broke up our senior year, after graduation. Two weeks later I found out I was pregnant with Isa and the rest is history.

I crossed my arms over myself leaning onto the counter. This caused my breast to push up making Y/c look down at them. I looked down with a smirk on my face. He cleared his throat, looking back up at me and speaking "So Isa's birthday is coming up and she told me that she wanted to go see Minnie Mouse, so I was thinking we could to go to Disneyland. I just wanted to run it by you and make sure it's okay first." He ranted.

I nodded, "Yea that's fine I'm sure she'd love that." He gave me a pearly white smile. His braces popping back up in my memory. "Thanks for the water, ima go but I'll see you Thursday." He marched over to the front door, opening it. I was standing right behind him watching his every move.

He walked down the steps before turning around facing me. "Next time you should wear the pink one. I like that one on you." Y/c smirked watching my jaw drop.

I stood there dumbfound for a few seconds. Coming back to my senses I whispered "How do you know I have a pink one?" I asked, still trying to process everything that just happened. He's still smiling at me. "I've seen you wear it before ma." My jaws drops again. What is this man doing to me. I can feel ms girl down there throbbing at the nickname he gave me. He hasn't called me that since highschool let alone flirt with me.

I feel like a little girl in middle school with a crush. I find myself smiling at the man across from me. He chuckles, shaking his head and turning around. He starts walking back to his car. "Bye." I wave at him with a little bit to much excitement. I'll prolly clown myself for it later but as of right now who cares.

"Bye Y/n."

I watch as he gets in his car and drives away. I close the front door, making sure to lock it. I lean my back against it and bite my bottom lip as I think about the interaction we just had. I stand up straight before getting myself together. "Y/n get a grip girl. You to big to be acting like this. Especially over some dude." I couldn't believe it. We didn't even have a twenty minute conversation and I was acting like this.

I make sure everything is locked up and all the lights are turned off. I tip toe upstairs, trying not to wake Isa up. I peak inside her room to see her peacefully sleeping. I walk into my room, leaving the door cracked open some.

I get all my necessities ready my shower and get in. Once I'm done, I dry off and lotion my body. I place on a big t shirt and my panties. I make sure to do my skincare before I get in bed. I call Sky and update her about everything that happened.

We talked on the phone for hours before we finally said goodnight. I turned my tv on some cartoons and tried to sleep. I set my alarm extra early because I have to give Isadora her bath in the morning. I huffed, groaning and turning to lay on my stomach. I tried to take in the silence and calmness as much as I could because Isadora hates taking bathes in the morning and I was not ready for all the chaos she was gonna cause.

Hey pookiessss😝

Don't forget to say y'all prayers tn.


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