Midnight Cravings

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I stare at the ceiling taking in the silence of my room. The moon light shining through the windows. I glance over at the time on my phone to see that's it's only 2:30 in the morning. I sigh turning onto my side staring at my husband who just so happens to be peacefully sleeping.

I rub my stomach feeling it grumble. Being seven months pregnant wasn't easy. I'm constantly hungry and always having to pee. Sometimes I can't even get out the bed without help from y/c.

I'm currently craving chips and Ice cream. I frown at the thought of having to wake y/c up because we no longer had what I was craving. We decided to have a movie night the other day and ate all the snacks.

I look at him once again with regret. Ever since I got pregnant I always get random cravings at anytime of the day. I mostly get them at night which consists of y/c always going downstairs or to the store to get them for me. Just the other day I woke him up a five in the morning because I wanted some pickles and the baby was kicking too much so I couldn't get up and get them for myself.

I lightly shake his shoulder causing him to stir a bit. "Baby" I whisper scooting closer to him. I shook his shoulder again causing him to open his eyes and start rubbing them. He stretched out his arms, looked at his bedside clock, and faced me.

"Baby why are you up? It's almost three in the morning"

I look down and start rubbing my belly again. "I know but-" he cuts me off placing his hands on my big stomach. "Your craving something aren't you" he looks at me with a slight smile.

I nod my head sighing "Yea I want chips and Ice cream but we don't have any. I'll just try to find something else downstairs" I said leaning against the headboard. He sits up beside me "No baby it's okay I'll go to the store for you. I don't mind"

I turn to look at him smiling. "Are you sure? I don't want you to be tired because of me and my cravings."
He nods and makes his way to the closet. He comes back out with some sweats and a hoodie on. He walks over to my side of the bed and leans down over me.

I tilt my head up to look him in his eyes. He leans down and gives me a peck on my lips. I smile grabbing the side of his face kissing his lips again. "Thank you baby I really appreciate it"

"It's no problem. I mean who would I be to let my pregnant wife starve. I did you get you pregnant and I knew the things that came with it." He says sitting up straight and walking to our door.

"Byee I love you. Be safe" I tell him as he opens the door. "I love you to ma"

He walks out the door and heads downstairs. I hear him turn the alarm off before walking out the door. I reach over for the remote and turn on Phineas and Ferb.

Y/c's gone for about fifteen minutes before I hear the front door open and the alarm being set again. It takes him a few seconds before he walks into our room and sets the bag on the bed.

He walked into our closet and changed back into his pajamas. After he was done he got back into the bed with me. He laid on his side of the bed before getting comfortable and placing his hands on both sides of my belly. I smiled down at him opening the small carton of ice cream.

"Hi baby it's me daddy. I'm so ready for you to be born. I love you so much you don't even know." He whispered to the baby before pulling my shirt up and placing soft kisses all around it.

Suddenly I felt the baby kicking. I looked at y/c just to see him staring right back at me. "Did you feel that? She was kicking"

"I know. I guess she's already a daddy's girl and she's not even born yet" I giggled eating more of the ice cream. He smiled in return before softly laying his head down not wanting to hurt the baby.

I run my hands through his hair before leaning down to place a kiss on his head. I place the spoon and carton on my bedside table before turning my attention back on the tv. 

"Baby can you pass me the chips please"

He sat up and reached for the bag grabbing the chips and handing them to me. "You ate all the ice cream that fast"

"Yea that's what I said. I'm surprised I didn't get a brain freeze or something" I laughed opening the bag. "You're something else" he chuckled before laying back down on my stomach.

I eat my chips and continue watching the tv. Every now and then I'd feel y/c rub my belly making the baby move. I finished half the bag before putting it on the nightstand. I yawned making y/c turn his head towards me.


"Yea" I sighed rubbing my eyes. He scooted up towards me and pulled me close into his arms. I laid my head on his chest and started to feel my eyes close.

Y/c kissed my forhead and whispered sweet things in my ear. I fell asleep feeling safe and happy that I get to live a beautiful life with the person I love most in the world.


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