s4- You are wanted.

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In the dead of night, Spencer found herself struggling to breathe, her chest constricting with each cough. Desperately needing water, she rose from her bed and tiptoed through the dimly lit hallway. As she passed her parents' bedroom, she noticed the light filtering from within. Curiosity piqued, she peeked through the cracked door, her voice barely above a whisper.


Beth, startled by Spencer's presence, feigned a smile.

"Hey, baby. What are you doing up?"

Seating herself before Beth, Spencer cut to the chase. "Are you going somewhere?"

Before Beth could respond, Rip emerged from the bed, addressing Spencer gently.

"Cub, why don't you go back to your room? I'll come tuck you in, alright?" Tenderly, he planted a kiss on Spencer's forehead, ushering her away.

Obeying her father, Spencer retreated, but instead of returning to bed, she lingered outside her parents' door.

Alone again, Rip confronted Beth with concern evident in his voice. "What the hell are you doing?"


"Yeah, no kidding. But where are you going?"

Beth's reply was laden with uncertainty. "I don't know. Livingston for a few days while I figure it out."

"Why?" Rip sighs.

"Because I sacrificed his little lamb."

"What the hell does that mean, Beth?"

"Doesn't matter. He doesn't want me here."

Rip attempted to reassure her, "Well, guess what? You're wanted."

"Not by him."

"Beth, what about Penny?"

Beth's self-doubt surfaced once more.

"Yeah, well, she'd be better off without me. Look what good being a part of me has brought to her life."

"Can you just put that down for...? Beth? Just stop. I thought we made a promise to each other."

Seating himself before her, Rip delivered a heartfelt plea.

"Hey... You can run away and then wander back in a few years and think that everything's gonna be the same, but it won't. I mean, she.. she might be gone. Your father might be gone. Shit, this ranch might be gone. And when they're gone, baby, I'm gone. You break your promise to me... and it stays broken."

Spencer sat outside her parents' door, quietly absorbing their conversation, her heart heavy with sadness as she tried to make sense of their words. Suddenly, a cough escaped her throat, disrupting the quiet exchange and alerting Rip and Beth to her presence.

Rip approached the door, opening it to find Spencer standing sheepishly on the other side. With a warm smile, Spencer reassured them, "I wasn't eavesdropping, I promise."

Bending down to her eye level, Rip asked gently, "How much of that did you hear?"

Spencer admitted, "All of it. But if it makes you feel better, I didn't really understand what you guys were saying."

Beth extended her arms, inviting Spencer to come and sit in her lap. Spencer accepted the invitation, snuggling into her mother's embrace.

"I don't want you to go, Mama," Spencer confessed. "You should just say sorry to Grandpa. I'm sure he will forgive you. Family loves each other no matter what."

Moved by Spencer's words, Beth kissed her head tenderly, acknowledging, "You're right, sweet P, you're absolutely right."

As Spencer let out a yawn, Rip suggests, "How about we all go back to sleep now? Tomorrow's gonna be here real soon."

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