*S2*- New Beginnings

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The sun painted the sky in hues of orange and pink as Spencer, freshly returned from school, burst into the lodge. She tossed her backpack aside and grabbed a quick snack from Gator. In a swift change, she traded her school attire for the familiar ensemble of jeans, a t-shirt, and her beloved cowboy hat. Today was special—Sam, the ranch's veterinarian, was on-site to assist with cattle breeding.

 Today was special—Sam, the ranch's veterinarian, was on-site to assist with cattle breeding

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Excitement radiated from Spencer as she made a beeline for the barn. Rip, spotting her enthusiasm, couldn't help but announce to everyone, "Here comes trouble!" Spencer's infectious energy brought smiles to the faces of the ranch hands. Almost running past Rip, he intercepted her, scooping her up in his arms. "Nice to see you too, Penny," he grinned, placing a kiss on her cheek. Spencer reciprocated with a beaming smile, wrapping her arms around Rip's neck, "Hi, Daddy!"

Gently setting her down, Rip noticed her cowboy hat was askew. Chuckling, he turned it the right way round. John, approaching the pair, greeted Spencer, "If it isn't my favorite granddaughter." There was a faint smile from Spencer, a residue of the recent tension. Without missing a beat, John lifted her up to perch on the fence, teasing, "Let me guess, you're here to help Sam with all the heavy lifting."

With a hint of defiance, Spencer responded, "Sam says I can only watch, but she didn't say I couldn't ask a million questions," holding up a notebook. Just then, Sam, the vet, walked over. Spencer leaped off the fence, meeting Sam with an enthusiastic high five. "Nice to see you, Spencer. How old are you now? 18?" Sam playfully inquired. Spencer giggled, "No, I'm only six, but I'll be seven in a few months!"

Faking disappointment, Sam joked, "Aw man, well, I guess I'll just have to wait a few more years to hire you as my assistant." Standing tall, Spencer replied, "Don't worry; everyone says I'm growing up fast, so I'll probably be ready to help soon." Sam smiled at her young companion, taking her hand as they walked towards the vet trailer, leaving the ranch hands to carry on with the insemination process. The ranch, filled with the hum of activity, embraced the youthful energy Spencer brought to the scene.

Moments later the atmosphere shifted from the excitement of cattle breeding to a tension-filled urgency. John, the patriarch of the Dutton family, who moments ago was engaged in light banter, suddenly began coughing violently. It wasn't just a cough; it was a visceral expulsion, accompanied by a spray of blood.

The wranglers, initially frozen in shock, quickly rallied around John as he crumpled to the ground. Panic set in, and Kayce's urgent shout for someone to call 911 echoed through the air. But in this remote corner of the world, the vast expanse of Yellowstone offered little in terms of immediate medical assistance.

The only available help was Sam, the vet. Without hesitation, Rip and Kayce hoisted John off the ground, the urgency etched across their faces, and carried him towards Sam's trailer. Amidst the chaos, Spencer's voice rang out, a stark declaration that reverberated through the stunned group, "Grandpa has colon cancer." John, weak but still conscious, managed a nod, affirming her words. He took Spencer's hand in his, a silent acknowledgment, a thank you.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now