It won't be that long

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The Dutton Ranch was filled with the comforting aroma of a home-cooked meal as the family gathered around the dinner table. Beth Dutton sat at one end, her boyfriend Rip Wheeler beside her, and her father John Dutton at the head.

"Before we start, there's something I need to tell you both," Beth began, her voice steady but tinged with a hint of apprehension.

John raised an eyebrow, his piercing gaze fixed on his daughter. "What's on your mind, Beth?"

Beth took a deep breath, trying to quell the turmoil within her. "I've been offered a work opportunity in Utah, and I've decided to take it."

Rip tensed beside her, his grip on his fork tightening. "How long are you planning to be gone?"

Beth glanced at Rip, her heart aching at the worry in his eyes. "Just a few weeks. It's an important project, and they need me there."

Rip nodded, but the unease still lingered. "I'll miss you, Beth."

Beth smiled at him, her eyes softening with affection. "I'll miss you too, Rip. But it won't be for long."

John, on the other hand, was less pleased. "Beth, you're needed here at the ranch. We can't afford to have you gone for weeks."

Beth's patience was already wearing thin, and the hormonal changes brought on by her medication for the surgery made her temper flare. "Dad, You've been running this ranch for years. I think you can handle a few weeks while I'm away."

John's expression hardened his own temper flaring in response to Beth's defiance. "You're my daughter, Beth, and this ranch is a part of your responsibilities. You don't just get to walk away whenever its convenient."

The tension in the room escalated, and Rip attempted to mediate. "John, maybe we can find a solution. Beth can help from a distance, and we'll manage here."

Beth, however, couldn't contain her frustration any longer. The surge of hormones and the pressure of keeping her secret had pushed her to a breaking point. "You know what, Dad? Maybe it's time you stopped treating me like a fu***** child. I have a life outside of this ranch, and I'm tired of being suffocated by your expectations."

John was taken aback by Beth's sudden emotional outburst, and for a moment, the room fell into a heavy silence. Rip placed a comforting hand on Beth's shoulder, but the damage had been done.

As the dinner continued, the rift between Beth and her father remained palpable. Beth had never spoken to John with such anger and frustration, but the turmoil within her pushed her to the brink. She stormed out of the dining room leaving her plate untouched.

Little did they know that her decision to go to Utah was not just about work; it was about taking control of her own life and finally addressing the secret that had haunted her for years.

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