s4-It's hard to say goodbye

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As the morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Spencer quietly crawled into Rip and Beth's bed. Her presence stirred them from their slumber, and they turned to find her nestled between them, her presence bringing warmth to the room.

"Morning, baby," Beth greeted her warmly, drawing Spencer closer into her embrace.

Rip shifted slightly and reached over to rub Spencer's head affectionately. "Did you sleep alright, cub?" he inquired, his voice gentle.

Spencer yawned and nodded in response. "Yeah," she mumbled sleepily.

Beth exchanged a knowing glance with Rip, silently agreeing that it was time to share the news about Carter's imminent departure.

Sitting up, Rip addressed Spencer, his tone serious yet gentle.
"Hey, Spencer, can we talk to you about something for a minute?" he began.

Spencer's eyes widened with concern. "Oh no, this sounds serious?" she remarked, a hint of worry creeping into her voice.

Rip glanced at Beth, who discreetly signaled him to let her take the lead.

Beth took Spencer's little hands in hers and spoke softly.
"Well, Penny...Sheriff Donnie was able to find Carter's aunt and uncle." Beth began, "and they're coming to pick him up later today."

Spencer's expression faltered for a moment, a hint of sadness crossing her features. Sensing her daughter's mixed emotions, Rip lifted her onto his lap, offering comfort and support.

"But that's good news, right Penny? Carter will get to be with his family," Rip reassured her, his voice filled with gentle encouragement.

Spencer met Rip's gaze with furrowed brows, her thoughts swirling with conflicting emotions. "I guess so.. but I'm going to miss him," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with sadness.

Moved by Spencer's vulnerability, Beth reached out her arms for her daughter. Spencer didn't hesitate, crawling into her mother's embrace, seeking the warmth and reassurance she needed in that moment.

In the safety of her parents' arms, Spencer allowed herself to feel the weight of her emotions, finding solace in the love and support that surrounded her.
As the morning unfolded, Rip and Beth remained by her side, ready to navigate the challenges and uncertainties of the day together as a family.


Later that morning, the atmosphere at the ranch was tinged with a sense of melancholy as Carter's aunt and uncle arrived to take him to live with them in Kansas. Beth, Rip, Spencer, and the rest of the ranch hands gathered to bid Carter farewell.

Carter stood at the center of attention, a mix of emotions flickering across his face as he prepared to leave the place that had become his temporary home. He exchanged hugs and words of gratitude with each member of the ranch, his gaze lingering on Spencer, who stood nearby, her eyes shining with unshed tears.

As the moment of departure drew near, Carter found himself drawn to Spencer's side.
"I just wanted to thank you for convincing everyone to give me a chance," he said earnestly, his voice filled with sincerity.

Spencer, touched by Carter's words, enveloped him in a warm embrace, her small arms wrapping around him tightly. As they hugged, Spencer felt a lump form in her throat. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, beaded friendship keychain that she had made for Carter.
"Here," she says softly, handing it to him. "So you'll always remember this place."

Carter accepted the keychain with a grateful smile, his heart swelling with affection for the spirited young girl who had touched his life in more ways than he could express. "Thank you, Spencer," he replied softly, his voice choked with emotion.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora