Old wounds undone

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Beth's flight to Utah had been a whirlwind, both for work and a long overdue health checkup. As she sat in the sterile, white-walled doctor's office, she braced herself for the news she had anticipated. The doctor's words cut through the air, leaving Beth emotionless.

"After the trauma your uterus suffered during the car accident and the birth of your daughter, Ms.Dutton, We can confirm that it is no longer viable," the doctor explained, her tone sympathetic but clinical. "We recommend scheduling a removal to prevent any potential risk of infection or complications."

Beth, already familiar with the complexities of such procedures, absorbed the news in silence. The echoes of past pain reverberated within her, and she felt like she was reopening old wounds. The doctor continued, delivering the second blow.

"Unfortunately, this means you won't be eligible for another uterus transplant. No further procedures or attempts will be possible."

The weight of the news settled on Beth's shoulders, the reality sinking in. She scheduled the removal for the same day, silently contemplating the journey ahead.

As Beth boarded the plane back to Montana, her mind oscillated between the sterile ambiance of the doctor's office and the warm, comforting embrace of her daughter's voicemail. Spencer's innocent and exuberant voice filled Beth's ears.
"Hi, Mommy! I can't wait to see you and give you a big big hug and a million kisses," Spencer's cheerful message played. Beth couldn't help but smile through the tears that welled up in her eyes. Spencer's voice continued to narrate her day, the mundane details of a seven-year-old's life serving as a balm to Beth's wounded soul. As Spencer concluded, "I love you, Mommy. See you soon," Beth clung to those words like a lifeline.

Gratitude for the precious daughter she had been blessed with, warred with the rage that still simmered beneath the surface. A rage directed at Jamie for the choices made in the past. As the plane carried Beth back to the sprawling ranch in Montana, she carried the weight of her decisions, the echoes of joy and pain intertwined in her heart.


The Montana sun hung low on the horizon as Beth pulled up to the familiar sight of the sprawling Dutton ranch. She took a moment to collect herself before facing her daughter and the man she loved. The scent of the wide-open plains filled the air as she stepped out of her car. Spencer's infectious energy burst forth as she heard her mother's car door shut. The little girl dashed out of the lodge, a whirlwind of excitement, her joy evident in every step.

 The little girl dashed out of the lodge, a whirlwind of excitement, her joy evident in every step

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"Mommy!" Spencer cried, crashing into Beth with a tight hug. Beth, despite the mild soreness from the recent procedure, masked it expertly. She winced, but it was a fleeting expression that escaped Spencer's notice.

Rip, attuned to Beth's every nuance, noticed the familiar wince. Concern etched on his face, he walked up to her as she continued to embrace Spencer. With a tenderness that defined their connection, Rip kissed her, the worry evident in his eyes.

He gently pulled back, his arms still around her, and in a voice just above a whisper, asked, "You all right, darlin'?"

Beth, always a master at hiding her pain, gave Rip a reassuring smile. She brought one hand to cup Spencer's rosy cheeks, the other hand on Rip's chest. Looking into her daughter's eyes, she declared, "Never better, baby."

Spencer beamed at her mother's words, blissfully unaware of the hidden struggles that often lingered beneath the surface. Rip, while accepting Beth's attempt to reassure him, kept a vigilant eye, knowing that some battles were fought in silence. Beth, in that delicate moment, juggled the weight of her secret and the desire to shield those she loved from unnecessary worry.

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