s4-Coming Home

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Rip's voice carried across the ranch as he directed the wranglers, his tone commanding yet tinged with a sense of urgency. "Lloyd! Take Jake and Ethan and head out to pasture nine. Start moving them heifers," he called out, his words echoing across the open land.

Lloyd, one of Rip's most trusted ranch hands, raised an eyebrow at the unusual request. "Three guys and you're going to take seven? to doctor these few cows," he remarked, a hint of skepticism in his voice.

Rip's expression grew more serious as he responded,"Lloyd, Penny and the boss are coming home today. I want people around. You keep that between you and I. Go on," he instructed, his words brooking no argument.

Lloyd nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Jake, Ethan, you're with me. Come on," he called to his fellow wranglers, motioning for them to follow.

With a sense of purpose, Rip turned his attention to the others. "All right, come on. Colby, Teeter, Walker, let's go," he directed, his voice firm as he rallied his team to action. Together, they set off to prepare for John and Spencer's long-awaited return home.


In the hospital room, John grappled with his clothes, frustrated by his limitations despite the nurse's assistance. "There you go. Come on," she encouraged, her voice gentle yet persistent.

"I can do... I can do this myself," John insisted, his tone tinged with annoyance.

Once dressed, John's attention shifted as Beth and Spencer entered the room, their presence bringing a sense of comfort. "Didn't think I was going to make it, did you?" he remarked with a hint of humor.

"Never doubted it for a second," Beth declared, her voice filled with confidence.

John's smirks, "Yeah. Liar," he quipped, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Everyone else doubted. Not me. Not once," Beth affirmed.

Spencer, ever eager to join the conversation, chimed in. "Me neither."

John turned his attention to Spencer with a fond smile."Ready to go home, Penny?" he inquired, his tone gentle.

Spencer's eyes lit up with excitement. "Yeah! I can't wait to see everyone and go riding."

However, Beth intervened with a note of caution, "Hey, the doctors said for both of you to rest when you get home. That means, no riding until you get the all-clear."

John and Spencer exchanged knowing looks, rolling their eyes in unison at the prospect of being sidelined.

As John is wheeled through the hospital corridors, his mind wanders "How's the ranch?" he inquired to Beth.

Beth's response was measured, "We'll talk about the ranch when we get there," she promised, her words hinting at the challenges that lay ahead.

John glanced at Spencer, who playfully mimed zipping her lips.


Now settled back at the lodge. Shaved and dressed in his usual attire, John stepped out onto the porch. His eyes immediately drawn to Spencer sitting there, with her nasal cannula a stark reminder of her recent hospital stay. Concern etched his features as he approached her. "What's all this?" he inquired, his voice laced with worry.

Spencer sighed, her expression a mixture of frustration and resignation. "It's the only way they'd let me leave the hospital," she explained, adjusting the tubing around her face. "Along with a long list of conditions." She sighs.

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