S2- I'm Irish enough

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The sun bathed the ranch in warm hues as Rip helped Tate and Spencer with a horse. In the distance, the figures of Kayce and John on horseback approached. Spencer nudged Tate, a playful smirk on her face, and whispered, "Now's your chance, go ask him." It was a hint at a previous discussion between the two cousins.

Tate grabbed Spencer's hand, bringing her along as they walked up to John. Tate, with an air of seriousness, declared, "We need to talk to you, Grandpa."

Spencer chimed in, adding emphasis, "It's very serious."

John, always the picture of composure, responded with a casual, "All right."

Kayce, ever the concerned father, asked, "Do I need to be part of this conversation?"

Tate, showing a hint of cunning, retorted, "You ain't got any money. Gotta be him."

John, amused, beckoned them to continue, saying, "This should be good. Come on. All right, you two, let me have it."

Spencer playfully nudged Tate, encouraging him to speak. With a determined look, Tate stated, "So I've made a decision."

John, intrigued, prompted, "Is that a fact?"

Tate nodded and explained, "I'm going to be a cowboy."

John, with a twinkle in his eye, responded, "Well, that's a good thing. This ranch needs you to be one. Someday this is all gonna be yours."

Spencer, unable to contain herself, cleared her throat, drawing John's attention. He winked at her, adding, "That includes you, Penny." Spencer beamed with joy.

Tate continued, getting to the heart of the matter, "Well, that brings me to my problem. I don't have a horse. I can't be a cowboy without a horse."

John, always quick-witted, remarked, "Yeah. Pretty tough to cowboy without a horse, that's for sure."

Tate appealed, "So can you buy me one?"

John, the seasoned patriarch, questioned, "Well, if I buy it, how you gonna pay me back?"

Tate, full of determination, offered, "I'll clean out the stalls or sweep out the barn."

John, considering the proposal, added a condition, "Your dad's gonna have to train it. Because I don't have time for that sh*t anymore. Who's gonna feed it?"

Spencer, ever the supportive cousin, interjected, "Um, I...I will. On the days he's not at the Ranch."

John, sealing the deal, concluded, "Okay. If you two don't, it don't eat. You don't water it, it doesn't drink. I don't want to have to hear otherwise. You understand?"

Tate, overwhelmed with joy, asked, "So is that a yes?"

John, with a smile, affirmed, "If it's a yes from your father, it's a yes from me."

The cousins exchanged a glance and celebrated with their secret handshake. Tate ran over to Kayce, eager to share the good news. Left alone with Spencer, John couldn't help but tease her.

"How long did it take for you to convince him to ask me all that?" he asked.

Spencer, grinning mischievously, raised her hands innocently and replied, "I have no idea what you're talking about, Grandpa," before darting off towards Rip.


The night draped the Yellowstone ranch in a quiet stillness, interrupted only by the distant howls of coyotes. In the bunkhouse, Rip received a call from Beth. With a simple "Hey," he answered, and Beth's voice, soft and compelling, spoke through the line.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now