s4- Who the f**k are you?

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The next morning dawned early, casting a soft glow through the windows of the ranch house as Beth settled in after her quick trip to Bob Schwartz's office in Utah the day before. Rip strolled through the front door, his footsteps echoing lightly in the quiet morning air.

"What are you doing up?" Rip inquired, his voice soft as he approached Beth, a cup of coffee in hand.

Beth glanced up, a hint of concern creasing her brow. "My father hasn't called me back. Worries me," she admitted, her tone tinged with apprehension.

Rip settled onto the couch beside her, their closeness bringing a sense of comfort. "I saw him yesterday, he's fine. Penny was with him most of the day," he reassured her, his voice steady as he sought to ease her worries.

Beth took a sip of her coffee, her thoughts drifting to her daughter. "Hm. where is Penny anyway? I was expecting to see her sleeping in her bed," she mused.

Rip's brows furrowed slightly as he considered Beth's question. "I guess you just missed her. I saw her run up to the lodge a few minutes ago."

A brief silence settled between them, the weight of their thoughts hanging in the air.

Rip broke the silence, his concern evident in his tone. "Does Penny seem off lately?"

"Off how?"

"She's been coughing a lot, and she goes to bed early, wakes up early. She doesn't want to go riding or help out around the barn. And when she does, she gets tired real fast," Rip's words laden with worry.

Beth's expression softened with understanding. "She is probably still sad about everyone leaving. Just give her time," she reasoned, her voice gentle as she sought to reassure Rip.

Rip nodded in agreement, a hint of relief washing over him. "Yeah, maybe you're right," he conceded, his tone reflecting a sense of acceptance.

"I'm glad she is taking it easy though. She doesn't need to be pushing herself too much. Just because the doctor gave her the okay to ride doesn't mean she needs to." Beth admits.

Beth shifted the conversation, her gaze meeting Rip's with determination. "Take me on a ride?" she requested, her voice carrying a hint of anticipation.

Rip arched an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "On a horse?" he teased, his tone playful as he considered her request.

Beth nodded, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "On a horse."

"Just a ride, huh?" Rip quipped, his own amusement evident in his tone.

Beth rose to her feet, her expression revealing a hint of mystery. "Well, I'm a little more purpose-driven than that," she teased, her voice carrying a sense of adventure as she prepared to depart.

As Beth gathered her things, Rip remained seated, his gaze fixed on her with curiosity. "Beth, why can't you tell me what you're thinking instead of half of what we're doing and none of the why and then I spend the rest of the day trying to figure out what you're up to?"

Beth leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to Rip's lips.
"Because then you're going to spend the whole day thinking about me," she confessed, her voice soft as she pulled away, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

A smile tugged at Rip's lips as he watched her go. "I do that already," he admitted, his voice filled with fondness as he bid her farewell.

Beth offered him a parting smile, her eyes alight with warmth. "I'm going to go have breakfast with P, and then head out for the day. See you later," she called over her shoulder, her steps light as she made her way out the door.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now