*S3*-Penny for your thoughts

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The morning at Yellowstone Ranch unfolded in a serene fashion. Beth occupied a rocking chair on the front porch, cradling a cup of steaming coffee in her hands. The distant rumble of John and Jamie's departure echoed through the stillness, leaving Beth with a moment of quiet contemplation.

As Beth took in the scenery, Kayce joined her on the porch. Together, they observed the departure of John and Jamie, the gravity of the meeting with the governor hanging in the air.

Their tranquil moment was abruptly shattered by the distant scream of Tate, the sound cutting through the peaceful morning like a knife. The remnants of the nightmares from the recent kidnapping ordeal haunted the young boy, sending shivers through the ranch.

Hearing Tate's cries, Kayce and Beth exchanged a concerned glance.

Monica was there, providing the comfort only a mother could offer in the face of such fear.

Kayce, empathizing with Tate's struggles, turned to Beth and asked, "How'd you get Spencer to stop waking up with nightmares?" His voice carried the weight of a father grappling with his child's trauma.

Beth, still sipping her coffee, responded with a touch of sadness, "She can't have nightmares if she doesn't sleep." The words held a deeper truth.

Kayce expressed his regret. "I'm sorry I couldn't find them sooner," he admitted, his eyes reflecting the pain of the recent events.

Beth placed a comforting hand on Kayce's shoulder, offering solace. "We have them back now. That's all that matters," she assured him, the unspoken understanding between them transcending words. In the face of adversity, the strength of family and the bonds that held them together became the anchor in the storm.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now