S2- Mediterranean diet

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The Yellowstone Ranch dining room was filled with the clinking of utensils and the murmur of conversation. Gator, the chef, entered, presenting a plate of grilled octopus. Spencer wrinkled her nose at the unfamiliar dish, voicing her skepticism with a clear "What the...?" John, sharing her sentiment, directed a puzzled look at Gator.

John, equally perplexed, sought clarification. "Gator?"

Gator, nonchalant, affirmed, "Yep."
Pointing at the unusual dish, John questioned, "What the f*ck is that?"

"Pointing at the unusual dish, John questioned, "What the f*ck is that?"

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Beth, adopting a more sophisticated palate, explained, "Grilled octopus. Mediterranean diet, Daddy. If I have to eat another steak, they'll have to do my next colonic with a f*ckn' fire hose." Undeterred, she placed a piece of octopus on Spencer's plate, encouraging, "It's good. Try it."

Spencer eyed the unfamiliar dish warily. "I don't know about this, Mama."

John, echoing his granddaughter's sentiments, diverted his attention. "Pass me the potatoes."

Spencer gestured for potatoes too, opting for a safer choice. The family engaged in the act of eating, savoring the flavors that adorned the table. John, breaking the silence, initiated a casual inquiry. "How was your day?"

All eyes turned to Spencer, but the young girl, choosing peace over potential discord, remained silent, focusing on her meal.

Beth seized the conversational reins, delving into the business side of her day. "It was good. Acquisitions are going fine. I have to walk you through the profit structure, but..."

John interjected, redirecting the conversation to a more personal note. "That's not what I meant. I meant... how was it?"

A collective pause hung in the air. Beth, choosing to maintain a semblance of humor, quipped, "Sobriety is bliss. What can I tell you?"

The attention shifted to Kayce, and John probed, "How about you?"

Kayce, maintaining a stoic demeanor, expressed his reluctance. "I don't want to talk about it."

"That's what you always say," John observed, but Kayce remained firm, stating, "Well, when I have a day worth talking about, I'll shout it from the damn rooftop."

John shifted his focus to the culinary experiment on his plate, asking Kayce, "That any good?"

"I don't care what I eat," came Kayce's terse response.

Unexpectedly, Spencer, the youngest voice at the table, interjected, "I would like to be homeschooled." The statement hung in the air, catching everyone off guard. Beth coughed, suppressing her laughter, as the family collected their thoughts.

Amidst the revelations, Jamie entered the dining room, delivering a piece of unexpected news. "I withdrew from the race."

John, nonchalant, inquired, "You hungry?" Beth, swiftly grabbed Jamie's plate, assuring, "I'll make you a plate."

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