s2- You picked the wrong Penny

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Back at the ranch, John had gathered everyone, Kayce, Rip, Jamie, and Beth, for a meeting in his office, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air. Beth was there, her eyes reflecting a mixture of anxiety and determination. When John told her she needed to walk away from this to avoid involvement, Beth protested, as expected. "Dad, I can't just walk away. She's my daughter I can't just do nothing," Beth argued, her voice trembling.

John, a stoic figure in the room, explained his reasoning, his eyes focused on his youngest granddaughter's welfare. "I need someone to be here for Spencer and Tate when we find them and bring'em home. I don't expect all of us to survive this."

Beth reluctantly agreed, her heart heavy with the knowledge. She gets up and leaves the room.

Jamie, the voice of reason in the room, called Malcolm Beck irrational, emphasizing the consequences of his actions. He believed Malcolm's arrogance was clouding his judgment, but John questioned the importance of Malcolm's state of mind. "This is going to be the end of us," John stated firmly, "and we're going to do it anyway."


The ranch stirred with a mix of determination and anxiety. Kayce, armed with the warrant, led the charge to reclaim Spencer and Tate. John watched from the porch, a silent prayer etched on his weathered face.

Rip, before joining the mission, stepped into the quiet sanctuary of Beth's room. Her eyes, a reflection of the storm within, met his. The weight of the impending confrontation hung thick in the air.

"I'm gonna bring her back," Rip vowed, his voice a low rumble.

Beth, lying in bed, her gaze unwavering, requested a promise, a pledge that resonated with a mother's fierce protectiveness. "After you do, I want you to promise me something."

Rip, ever loyal, nodded in acknowledgment. Beth's demand was as serious as it was unyielding.

"Promise me you'll kill them," Beth declared, her tone cutting through the solemn air.

Rip's eyes, a complex mix of determination and reluctance, held Beth's. In that moment, they shared an unspoken understanding, a recognition of the depths one would go to safeguard their family. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to Beth's forehead, a silent affirmation of his commitment.

Without another word, Rip left the room, leaving Beth to grapple with the harsh reality of the promise she had extracted. Rip carried with him a vow that echoed the primal instinct to protect those he loved at any cost.


The air at the Beck Brother's estate hung heavy with tension as Kayce and Rip made their way through the property, armed with the weight of a warrant and a mission to reclaim Spencer and Tate. The sheriff stationed outside, vigilant and wary, requested verification, and once the warrant was displayed, the duo was granted access.

Climbing to the second-floor bedrooms, the tension escalated. In one room, a sudden encounter unfolded with Teal Beck caught in a vulnerable moment on the toilet. The element of surprise was Kayce's ally as he swiftly fired two shots into Teal's stomach. The pain seized Teal, and in desperation, he pleaded for mercy, "Agh! Stop!"

Kayce, determined and unyielding, demanded information. "Where are they? There's a lot of stuff I can shoot before you die."

Teal, writhing in pain, finally relented, revealing the involvement of the Montana Free Militia. The revelation of their base camp's location followed a critical piece of information that could lead Kayce and Rip to Spencer and Tate. Teal, recognizing the gravity of the situation, begged for his life.

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