Restless Night

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Bringing their newborn daughter, Spencer Hope Dutton Wheeler, home from the hospital was a momentous occasion for Beth and Rip. The journey back to the Dutton Ranch was filled with cautious excitement, as they adjusted to their new roles as parents.

Their first few nights with Spencer were restless, as they navigated the challenges of caring for a newborn. Beth had read all the books and was determined to be a perfect mother. Due to Beth deciding to breastfeed Spencer Hope, she hasn't been able to smoke a cigarette or drink to ease her nerves. Most days she doesn't notice the urge but on the days she does Rip does his best to be a supportive father. Rip still takes care of the ranch but Kayce and Lloyd have stepped in to give him some time off to be with Beth and the baby.

One night, as Spencer's cries filled the nursery, Beth and Rip were bleary-eyed and exhausted. Beth reached for their daughter, trying to soothe her, but the baby's wails only grew louder.

Rip, determined to help, took Spencer into his arms and began to gently sway back and forth, his deep voice murmuring comforting words. He whispered tales of the Montana wilderness, of horses and cowboys, hoping to lull her to sleep.

Despite his efforts, Spencer continued to cry, and the sound of her distress echoed through the house.

The next morning, John Dutton arrived at their home, eager to see his granddaughter. He found Beth and Rip looking weary but determined.

John couldn't help but chuckle as he took in the scene before him. Rip, shirtless and with disheveled hair, was sprawled out on the couch, Spencer cradled against his chest. The baby, however, was peacefully asleep, nestled against her father's warm skin.

Beth greeted her father with a tired smile. "Hey Daddy, came to see your granddaughter, for the hundredth time this week?"

John laughed heartily. "Looks like Rip figured out the secret to calming her down."

Rip, still half-asleep, mumbled a response. "Gotta use the cowboy magic."

John couldn't help but admire the sight of his granddaughter. "You're a natural, Rip."

Beth's exhaustion was momentarily forgotten as she looked at the man she loved and their precious daughter. At that moment, they were a family, and nothing else in the world mattered.

I know some of these seem like one shots but I am trying to create a dramatic storyline so it has more of a show feeling

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I know some of these seem like one shots but I am trying to create a dramatic storyline so it has more of a show feeling. So I promise the stories will get better and longer. Thanks for reading.

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