s4- Bad day

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The first rays of dawn painted the sky in soft hues of orange and pink as Carter diligently worked to clean out the horse stables. His movements were methodical, each stroke deliberate as he tended to his chores.

John, strolled into the barn, his boots echoing against the wooden floor. With a quirked brow, he observed Carter's early start. "First one today, aren't you?" he remarked, a hint of surprise in his tone.

Carter paused momentarily from his task, wiping the sweat from his brow with the back of his hand. "Nope," he replied simply, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"No?" John inquired further.

With a nod towards Spencer, who was busy tending to a horse nearby, Carter clarified, "Getting to the barn first is no easy trick."

John chuckled, "I'd set that alarm back a half hour to be sure," he suggested with a wry grin.

John strolled over to Spencer, his horse in tow, a warm smile spreading across his weathered face. "Doctor gave you the go-ahead to ride again Penny?"

Spencer shot him a mischievous smirk and tilted her head slightly. "As much as he gave you," she replied coyly.

Taking the hint, he chuckled. "You are my granddaughter, that's for sure."
John moved to help her secure the saddle on her horse.
"Your mama know you're out here?" he inquired, a hint of concern lacing his words.

"I don't want to lie to you, Grandpa," Spencer confessed, her tone soft but earnest.

John's smirk widened into a grin. "I appreciate that."

With a swift movement, Spencer hoisted herself onto her horse, her excitement palpable.
"We promised to go riding together once we got out of the hospital," she reminded him, her voice bubbling with anticipation. "And you're not one to break one of those."

John mounted his own horse, his expression serious but filled with love. "Any promise I make to you, Penny, I plan on keepin," he vowed, his gaze meeting hers with unwavering certainty.

Spencer's smile broadened, reaching all the way to her eyes as she looked at her grandpa, a mixture of admiration and affection shining in her gaze.

"Come on, I have a nice spot to show you," John declared, his voice full of enthusiasm as he urged his horse forward. Leading the way, he set off with Spencer following closely behind, the rhythmic sound of hooves galloping echoing through the open countryside.


As Rip stepped outside the barn his boots crunching against the gravel path. His keen eyes scanned the bustling ranch yard, assessing the morning activities of the wranglers.

But his gaze quickly zeroed in on something amiss—the saddle on one of the horses was not done right. With a muttered curse under his breath, Rip shook his head in frustration. "Son of a bitch," he grumbled.

Spotting Carter nearby, Rip wasted no time in calling him over. "Hey. Boy, come here," he barked, his tone sharp with authority.

Carter, with a hint of nervousness in his demeanor, jogged over in response. "Yeah?" he replied, his voice tentative.

Rip fixed him with a stern glare. "Did you put that saddle on this horse?" he demanded, his tone brooking no nonsense.

Carter hesitated for a moment before nodding hesitantly. "Uh, yep," he admitted.

Pointing to the saddle, Rip pressed on. "What's wrong with this picture?" he questioned, his tone laced with impatience.

Carter shrugged, "Don't really know the picture. I saw Spencer doing it this morning, so I just winged it," he confessed.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now