s4- Something's off

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As the morning sun cast its warm glow over the ranch, Spencer could be found down by the barn, lending a hand to the wranglers and tending to the horses. Her youthful energy and enthusiasm were evident as she eagerly assisted with the day's tasks.

Meanwhile, John received an urgent call, informing him of protests taking place outside of Kayce's office. Concern etched lines onto his brow as he contemplated the situation, his thoughts momentarily distracted from the peaceful ranch life.

"I'll head over there now." John mused, his voice laced with worry. Eager to understand the commotion, Spencer turned to John, her voice tinged with a hint of excitement.

"Can I come with you to see the protestors, Grandpa?" Spencer inquired, her curiosity piqued by the unfolding events.

John paused, his expression grave as he considered her request. He could sense her desire to explore the world beyond the ranch, but he knew the potential risks involved in exposing her to such volatile situations.

" Sorry, Pen, but it's best if you stay here," John replied gently. "It might get a little too intense out there."

Disappointment briefly clouded Spencer's features, but she nodded in understanding.

With a resigned sigh, she continued her chores, her coughing fits grew more frequent, and signs of fatigue began to show. Sensing her discomfort, Rip approached her with a gentle smile, "Hey, Penny. How about you take a break and we saddle up some horses?" His tone warm and reassuring.

Spencer reluctantly declined, " Um I actually have to go now and do some school work, Daddy. Maybe later?" Spencer replied, her voice tinged with exhaustion.

Rip is caught off by surprise , "You sure you're feeling alright, sweetheart? You don't look so good," Rip questioned, his voice filled with genuine concern she wouldn't usually decline a ride with him.

Spencer gave him a thumbs-up and began to walk away. Despite her attempt to brush off her symptoms, Rip still couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.

He watched silently as Spencer made her way towards the lodge. Unbeknownst to him she is quietly coughing and wheezing with each step. Concern gnawed at his heart as he observed her tired demeanor, a stark contrast to her usual vibrant self.

Spencer took a moment to close her eyes and rest in the grass, seeking solace in the tranquility of nature. She doesn't hear her father approach her.

Rip bends down beside her in the grass."What's going on, Penny? You look tired," Rip asked, his concern evident in his tone.

Startled, Spencer quickly rose to her feet, not wanting to cause any concern. With a forced smile, she nodded and replied. "Oh, I'm fine, Daddy. Just a little tired, that's all, I um.. I was up late reading last night" Spencer reassured him, though her words rang hollow, betraying the truth of her worsening condition.
She kisses Rip's cheek goodbye and continues her walk to the lodge.

Despite her efforts to downplay her symptoms, Spencer knew deep down that she was far from fine. Yet, burdened by the fear of causing worry or distress, she chose to keep her struggles hidden, a solitary figure amidst the vast expanse of the ranch.

Penny for your Thoughts : A Yellowstone inspired storyWhere stories live. Discover now