Penny's Meadow

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The moon cast a soft glow through the bedroom window as Spencer, unable to find solace in sleep, tiptoed into the room where Rip and Beth lay nestled in each other's warmth. The creak of the floorboards was barely audible, as she approached the bed with a mix of trepidation and a yearning for comfort.

Beth stirred as she sensed Spencer's presence, and with a soft smile, she kissed her daughter on the forehead, wrapping her arms around her. "Come here, baby. Mama's gotcha," she whispered, soothing Spencer back into a peaceful slumber nestled against her mother's warmth.

In the quiet hours before dawn, when the world still slumbered, Rip stirred in his sleep. His eyes, adjusting to the dim light, met an unexpected and heartwarming sight. Spencer snuggled into Beth's arms. A warm smile graced Rip's lips at the sight of the two most important women in his life finding comfort in each other.

Spencer's eyes flickered open, and a small, sleepy yawn escaped her lips. Rip, unable to contain his affection, gently rubbed his thumb over Spencer's cheek. "When did you sneak in here, cub?"

Half-asleep, Spencer managed a light smile and a tired smacking noise with her mouth. Rip decided it was time to get up, but Beth remained in a peaceful slumber. Spencer, feeling her father's movement, wiggled out of Beth's embrace and crawled off the bed.

As Rip prepared to leave the room, Spencer, now fully awake made her way towards her dad. With a hopeful look, Spencer approached Rip and asked in a soft whisper, "Can we go on a ride before you go to work, Daddy? I have to show you somethin'."

Rip, though wearied by the early hour, couldn't resist the pleading gaze and the earnest plea from his daughter. A tired sigh escaped him. Spencer, with a pleading tone, added, "Please."

Rip, unable to resist the charm of his daughter, relented, his tiredness momentarily forgotten. Bending down to her level saying, "Alright, Penny. Only if you can get dressed and make my coffee before the sun peeks out."

Spencer beamed, grateful for her victory, and planted a sweet kiss on Rip's cheek. "Thank you, Daddy," she said before darting out of the room to get changed.

Beth, who had silently observed the entire exchange, sat up in bed and playfully motioned a swirling finger at Rip. "She's got you wrapped up, buddy."

Beth's playful observation had Rip chuckling as he walked over to her. Bending down to the bed, he pressed a tender kiss on her lips. "Not as much as you, darlin'," he admitted, his eyes reflecting the deep affection he held for his fiance.

Their kiss deepened into a passionate exchange, a moment shared between two people who had weathered the storms of life together. Beth pulled away slightly, but her face remained close to Rip's. Her eyes sparkled with a mixture of love and mischief. With a teasing tone, Beth asked, "How long do you think it's going to take for her to make your coffee?"

Rip, still wearing a smirk, leaned in for another kiss. "Long enough for me to have some time with you," he replied, his words dripping with the promise of stolen moments before the demands of the day took hold.


Spencer guided the horses to a field nestled between tall hills, the landscape adorned with a riot of colorful flowers

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Spencer guided the horses to a field nestled between tall hills, the landscape adorned with a riot of colorful flowers. The scent of blossoms hung in the air.

"We're here," Spencer announced with a grin, her eyes sparkling.

Rip surveyed the picturesque scene, impressed. "Is this what you wanted to show me?" he asked, a smile playing on his lips.

Spencer nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I found it. It's a surprise for Mama."

Rip's eyes softened with understanding. "She's gonna love it."

Spencer nodded again, her excitement contagious. "She told me that all her time living on the ranch, she could never find her perfect meadow."

Rip chuckled, ruffling Spencer's hair affectionately. "Figures you'd be the one to find it for her."

"Yeah," Spencer beamed, "just promise you won't tell her about it yet."

Rip raised an eyebrow playfully. "Well, how long am I supposed to keep it a secret?"

Spencer looked at him with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "It's not a secret. It's a promise, Daddy. And you'll know when the time is right."

Rip grinned, appreciating the gravity of Spencer's words. "Alright, Penny." Rip looks lovingly at Spencer.

As they mounted the horses to return, the sun casting a warm glow over the vibrant meadow, Spencer leaned over and whispered, "Thanks for coming, Daddy."

Rip tousled her hair again, his affection evident. "Anytime, sweetheart."

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