s3 -The box that went boom-Pt.2

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Rip clenched the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white as he navigated the winding road. The phone continued to ring, each unanswered call adding to his growing sense of unease. Finally, Jamie picked up.

"Hello," Jamie's voice crackled through the line.

"Jamie, hey," Rip's voice was strained with worry. "I can't find anybody. Not Beth, not your dad, not Kayce. Nobody."

There was a moment of silence on the other end before Jamie spoke again, his tone guarded. "Rip, I don't think you should call me anymore."

Rip's heart sank as Jamie abruptly ended the call, leaving him alone with his thoughts as he drove on. The road stretched out before him, a seemingly endless path of uncertainty and fear. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong.

But as he rounded a bend in the road, his worst fears were realized.

Two vehicles sat on the side of the road ahead, one of them bearing the familiar insignia of the Yellowstone ranch. Rip's stomach churned with dread as he approached, his eyes scanning the scene for any sign of life.

And then he saw him. John Dutton, lying motionless on the ground, blood staining the asphalt around him. Without a moment's hesitation, Rip slammed on the brakes and leapt out of his truck, rushing to John's side.

 Without a moment's hesitation, Rip slammed on the brakes and leapt out of his truck, rushing to John's side

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"John!" Rip called out, his voice tight with panic as he knelt beside him. John's breath came in ragged gasps, his face pale and drawn with pain.

Rip's hands trembled as he checked John's pulse, relief flooding through him at the faint but steady rhythm beneath his fingertips. But as he looked closer, he saw the message John had written in his own blood, "Blue Van two tone' . Beside it, a blood arrow pointing north."

With trembling hands, Rip lifted John into his truck, careful not to aggravate his injuries any further. He dialed Kayce's number frantically, his voice urgent as he relayed the situation.

"Kayce, it's Rip. I found your dad. He's shot up bad. It was a two-tone van heading north east" Rip says, his words rushed and breathless.

Kayce's voice crackled over the line, his tone filled with concern as he assured Rip, "I'll dispatch a chopper to airlift him to the hospital. Send me your location."

As Rip watched the helicopter disappear into the distance, carrying John to safety, he couldn't shake the sense of unease that gripped him. The events of the day had unfolded with alarming speed, leaving him reeling with uncertainty.


As Beth emerged from the haze of unconsciousness, her senses were assaulted by the acrid scent of smoke and the crackling of flames engulfing her surroundings. Blinking rapidly to clear her vision, she scanned the chaos, her heart pounding with fear for Spencer's safety.

"Spencer, wake up! Come on, baby, we need to get out of here," Beth pleaded, her voice trembling with urgency as she gently shook her daughter's limp form. Spencer stirred slightly, blinking her eyes weakly, but remained unresponsive, overwhelmed by the smoke and the trauma of the explosion.

Summoning all her strength, Beth scooped Spencer up into her arms, cradling her close as she staggered towards the exit. The flames licked at her heels, threatening to consume them at any moment, but Beth refused to succumb to despair. As they made their way through the burning office, Beth's heart clenched with sorrow as she caught sight of the lifeless form of her assistant amid the wreckage. But there was no time to dwell on the tragedy. She was determined to get her daughter to safety, no matter the cost.

As they emerged from the burning office, Beth's ears rang with the deafening roar of the flames, drowning out the world around her. She clung to Spencer, her grip tightening with each passing moment, her only focus on keeping her daughter safe.

Through the haze of smoke and confusion, Beth saw figures approaching, their forms blurred by the swirling chaos. An ambulance arrived on the scene. Paramedics rushed towards them, their urgent voices lost in the cacophony of sound.

Desperately clinging to Spencer, Beth watched helplessly as the paramedics worked to move her daughter's unconscious body into the ambulance. She felt a sense of dread gnawing at her heart as she struggled to maintain her composure amidst the chaos unfolding around her.

Beth watched in a daze as the paramedics assessed Spencer's condition, their movements swift and decisive. She strained to hear their words, her senses overwhelmed by the chaos. Suddenly a  paramedic gently touches Beth to gain her attention saying, "Ma'am we need you to come with us so we can treat your wounds." But Beth refused, "I am staying with my daughter." 

 As Spencer's pale hand slipped from hers, Beth's grip tightened, her fingers interlocking with her daughter's in a silent plea for her to hold on. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she whispered, "Come on, stay with me baby," her voice trembling. All she could do was hold onto Spencer's tiny hand, her heart pounding with fear and uncertainty.

As the paramedics worked to stabilize Spencer, Beth felt a cold dread wash over her. She refused to let go of her daughter's hand, clinging to the hope that she would wake up and be okay. But as the paramedics continued their efforts, Beth's worst fears were realized.

The heart monitor displayed Spencer's faint heartbeat, a fragile rhythm that threatened to fade away with each passing moment. Beth watched in anguish as the monitor flatlined, the sound of the steady tone echoing in her ears like a death knell.

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