s4- A woman named Summer

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The morning sunlight streamed through the windows as John, Spencer, and Beth gathered around the dining room table for breakfast. Plates clattered softly as they dished out portions of eggs and pancakes, filling the room with the comforting aroma of a home-cooked meal.

John's observant gaze fell upon Beth, who seemed preoccupied with her laptop, her appetite seemingly absent. Concern etched into his features, he inquired, "Not hungry?"

Beth shook her head lightly, her attention momentarily diverted from the screen. "Mm-mm," she murmured, lifting her coffee cup to her lips. "I'm intermittent fasting."

Curiosity sparked in Spencer's eyes as she turned her attention to her mother. "What's that mean?" she asked, her voice tinged with innocence.

With a wry smile, Beth explained, "Uh, nothing but coffee and cigarettes 'til noon."

Spencer giggled at the notion, her youthful amusement bubbling over. Meanwhile, John chuckled at the absurdity of such a regimen. "Well, I'd like to meet the doctor who came up with that diet," he quipped, taking a sip of his own coffee.

Undeterred, Beth defended her choice, her tone laced with determination. "I've adapted it a bit to suit my lifestyle," she remarked, her focus shifting back to her laptop.

Spencer chimed in with childlike sincerity, "I don't think I could ever skip pancakes for breakfast."

Beth affectionately ruffled Spencer's hair, a tender smile gracing her lips. "And you never will," she assured her daughter, their bond palpable in the warmth of the moment.

Seizing the opportunity to change the subject, John turned his attention to Beth. "What are you working on today?" he inquired, his tone laced with curiosity.

"I got a few irons cooking," she admitted cryptically.

"What irons?" he probed, his curiosity piqued by Beth's evasiveness.

"I'd rather ask for forgiveness than permission on these, Daddy. If you don't mind."

John's expression hardened at her words, his concern evident in his response. "I do mind. What irons?" he pressed, his tone tinged with sternness.

Beth hesitated briefly before revealing her decision. "I'm taking the job at Market Equities."

Spencer's reaction was immediate, her unease evident in her furrowed brow and sigh of disapproval. John shared her concern, his gaze flickering with uncertainty.

"So take the job, then what? Tell me how that helps us," John challenged, his tone tinged with skepticism.

Beth remained steadfast in her resolve, her conviction unwavering. "It helps us when I run it into the fucking ground," she declared, her words laced with determination.

Sensing Spencer's discomfort, Beth shifted gears, directing her attention toward her father. "What are you doing today?"

John's response was laced with irony as he contemplated his own internal struggles. "Battling my conscience," he admitted, his tone tinged with resignation.

"Mmm. Well, I'd offer advice, Dad, but I've never been in that situation," Beth quipped, her lips curling into a wry smile.

As Beth prepared to depart, Spencer reached out, her small hand grasping her mother's. "Please stay, Mommy? I don't want you to go work with the bad people," she pleaded.

Beth's heart softened at Spencer's plea. Cupping her daughter's cheeks in her hands, she reassured her with a tender smile. "It's nothing like last time, baby. I'll be alright," she promised, her voice filled with maternal warmth.

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