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"Uh, Pope," Sarah call to him, worry in her tone as she sits in middle between JJ and John. B. She shares a look with Ari, who was on JJ's lap, half asleep. "You're driving pretty fast."

Instead of saying anything, Pope simply howls. His body and mind so heightened and excited. Kie, who was holding onto the passenger door handle was regretting not listening to Ariella, when she said not to let him drive. He wasn't in the right states and it was pitch black outside.

With all the bumps they've hit, Ariella was starting to grow more and more nauseous. She clung to JJ as he held on to her, one hand on her bump and the other on her hip, keeping her in place. "J, I'm growing nauseous."

"I know, beautiful. I'm sorry." JJ whispers, his hand rubbing up and down on her pregnant stomach. He was growing agitated with Pope. None of them listened to the couple and now they were all scared for their lives. "Pope, last to judge, but I think you should slow down a little."

"That would definitely delay our arrival to the cross. We gotta get there." Pope urges, speeding up, going faster than he already was.

"Why did we let him drive again?" Kiara asks, looking at Pope with a scared look in her eyes.

"I said I'd rip your ears off." Pope quickly answers

"He said he'd rip our ears off." Sarah says simultaneously.

"You did."

"I was joking about that, by the way."

"You guys never listen to us." Ariella digs her head further into JJ's neck. If they would've listened, this would've never happened. Now they were stuck with a maniac driving. "Pope, slow the fuck down! I'm pregnant and best believe I have the ability to actually rip your ears off!"

The threat actually made Pope slow down. Ariella was scary and her being pregnant only made her ten times scarier. She was not to be messed with. JJ chuckles lightly, kissing her head as she leans into him again.

"Hey," John B taps the back of Pope's seat as he leans forward. Him and Sarah sharing a short look. "How ya feeling, buddy? How ya doing?"

"Uh, fantastic." Pope answers, gradually speeding up. "I don't know what JJ's cousin gave me, but I am moving!"

"You are and you need to slow down!" Ariella exclaims as she sits up, leaning in between the two front seats. "Stop getting faster!"

"You're going really fast right now." John B tries.

"Yeah! Really fast!" Pope turns towards John B, his eyes fully off the road.

"Turn around! Eyes on the road!" Ariella panics as she forces Pope to turn in his seat, pushing his head towards the road again. The others shouting at him as he serves in and out of the lane. "Don't ever do that again, idiot! You could've killed us all!"

"I'm sorry." Pope mumbles, pouting like a child as he sits right.

"I might actually vomit." Ariella rubs her temples as she moves back again, opening her window. The fresh, cool air helping her just a bit.

"I got something for that." JJ says, digging into his pocket and taking out a small
alcohol pad. He rips it open and puts it towards Ariella's nose. "I heard the smell is supposed to help with the nausea. I read it and—."

"You're so adorable." Ariella coos as she chuckles, kissing his lips before taking the alcohol pad and smelling it. She could practically feel the nausea going away. "You're a life saver."

"I always have to make sure my beautiful girl and our handsome son are okay and happy." JJ draws circles on her belly.

"You agreeing with John B?" Ariella tilts her head at him. The two of them momentarily forgetting about Pope's manic ways. "You think it's a boy?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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