Try Me

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" Pope, we're not stealing the drone. Think of it as borrowing." Ari spoke from the floor. They we're all in the van driving to JJ's dad old working place.

" Humans are the only animal that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope crossed his arms looking outside the window.

" Did you come up with that?" John B took a quick glance at Pope.

" No Albert Bernstein came up with that." I piped up. Pope nodded.

" But it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing." Ari rolled my eyes at Pope.

" Oh." John B said slowly.

" So, which is it? Fantasy or reality?" Pope turned to John B.

" Why are you so weird, Pope?" JJ didn't even look away from his blunt that he was rolling.

" It's fantasy, but possibly reality." Kie turned glancing at Pope than back to John B.

" Reality." John B smiled softly at Kie who smiled back.

" Virtual reality." JJ opened the lighter to light the blunt but Ari snatched it from his lips and threw it to Pope.

" Keep the signal clear." Pope threw it to the back seat as they arrived to their destination.

" Ready?" Kie turned to Ari.

" Let's get this over with already." Ari got up from her spot between JJ's legs and opened the door getting out. Careful not to make much noise closing it.

" Hey don't worry. You guys got this." John B smiled at them as they approached this window.

" Not us were worried about, JB." Ari grinned as she linked her arm with Kie's and walked to the the little shack.

" Hello! Excuse me!" Kie waved at the guy through the window at both girls got closer to the gate.

" Can I help you?" The guard opened the door.

" Hi! Um, We actually have a flat tire. We were wondering if you could help us out." Ari smiled innocently.

The guard eyed them both checking them over before sighing. " Yeah."

" Yeah?" Ari tilted her head.

" Yeah." The guard nodded walking back to get some tools.

" It's so easy." Kie and Ari fist bumped.

" It's just this back one right here." Kie showed the guard.

" It must have been a slow leak or something." Ari shrugged still smiling leaning. She looked at the boys sending them a quick nod. They sent a thumbs up before taking off.

" Must have been in the yard to long." The guard said.

" Yeah." Both girls sighed.

" Yeah. I-I got this." The guard looked Ari over. She shrunk back a bit behind Kie.

" Thank you." Kie smiled. Suddenly we heard the sound of a dog barking. Kie and I shared an annoyed look.

" Do you hear that?" The guy perked up at us.

" Hear what?" Ari asked innocently looking around the yard pretending to look for something.

" Oh, Tebow's got somethin." The guy stood up looking to where he heard the barking.

" What do you think it is?" Kie asked the guy gripping Ari's arm.

" I don't know." The guy shrugged looking over the yard.

𝗠𝘆 𝗘𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲 ⇉ 𝗝𝗝 𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸Where stories live. Discover now