𝗚𝗲𝘁 𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗮𝗴!

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*You may play the song now if you'd like!"

Ari opens the door to the Château and turns on the lights as she carefully closes the door behind her. With her back facing the living room, Ari takes in a breath and wipes tears from her eyes.

This was what she did every time she came to John B's. Being here brought Ari a sense of safety and it's been like that since she first ever met John B. She's only stood over here a good two times because all the other times she's came over here, she has done nothing, but break down in JJ's arm.

Ari takes in one last breath calming herself down before she slowly turns and walks forward. She allows her eyes to roam around her living room, she sees a couple of John ab's shirts and bottles everywhere. She walks in further and her eyes look around the hallways.

Ariella has never seen the house like this, or maybe she's just never noticed, but it was dark. The only light is coming from the sun and light in the kitchen. There's also a lamp, but that hasn't been turned on in months.

Ari suddenly stops at John B's door. She felt her breathing start to pick up slightly as she moved her hand to grip the doorknob. She very slowly turns the doorknob until it didn't turn anymore.

She opens the door and it was like a wave of sadness hit her. Being in the room not only felt weird, but it brought a deep, dark feeling in her chest she couldn't exactly describe or decipher.

The Cameron girl walks into the room, leaving the door open as she looks around her surroundings. She notes how for the first time John B's bed was fully made. Probably Sarah. Ari thinks.

Ari then moves toward his drawers that held pictures of the Pogues, his father and most importantly her. Ari felt tears brim her eyes as she sees a light blue bandanna on the drawer with a note and picture of both Ari and John B together.

In the picture, it was a perfect shot of, Ari attacking John B. Ari chuckles as tears fall from her eyes. She remembered that day clearly. They were 12 and John B had eaten a big piece of Ari's brownie that Big John had made for her. If you knew Ari at that time, you would how she was about her food.

Ari hesitantly picks up the note with shaky hands and reads it.

Dear Cinderella,
God, I never thought I would ever have to write a note like this, but here we are. I don't know how long it will be before I see you, but I want you to know this...Thank you for always being there for me no matter what. You have literally been by my side since we were seven and you haven't left since. Of course we had our ups and downs, but no matter what we stuck it out and stood loyal to each other. I couldn't ask for a better person to stay by my side. You are not only my best friend, but my fucking sister and god I'm crying while writing this. Look what you have me doing. Crying. I'm fucking crying which means you better be too.

Ari let out a sob mixed with a light chuckle as she reads. There were so many thoughts running through her head right now.

I hate to cut it short, just know that I love you so much and that the bandanna is yours to keep...until I come back of course. Make sure you take care of our boy JJ and if he's there, tell him he better protect you with his life because if he doesn't I'll kill him. I love you, Ella.

Forever and Always, JB
P.S, You and JJ better not do anything with my short board.

With that last sentence, Ari feels her legs go weak and she drops clutching the letter in her hand. Before she could touch the floor she's suddenly embraced into someone's arms.

𝗠𝘆 𝗘𝘀𝗰𝗮𝗽𝗲 ⇉ 𝗝𝗝 𝗠𝗮𝘆𝗯𝗮𝗻𝗸Where stories live. Discover now