Huíshēng | 85 . betrayal

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Huisheng awoke, and he knew something was wrong. "Stardust..." He breathed, immediately launching himself out of bed. The light, his light, it burned his eyes and he could feel the light running through his veins burning.

It spurred him on, played hot and cold with him as he ran through the dark hallways. The only thing lighting his way was himself, his own hair and eyes and tattoos you so adored.

Huíshēng didn't know what to do with himself. He was in so much panic not a single train of thought could be maintained in his mind.

When he finally got outside, he was panting. The cold night chill making a shiver run down his spine.

"Stardust, Stardust where are you?" He choked out nervously, practically ripping through the gardens. All of his senses so jumbled up he couldn't even feel the tug of where to go.

The sound of your sudden ear piercing scream sent Huíshēng over the edge. "S-Stardust!" He gasped, bolting in your direction.

He could barely process what he found, hidden deep in those frosted over gardens. You were there, but he so wished you weren't in that very moment. Oh, how Huíshēng wished he didn't see you there, gasping and writhing on the floor in pain.

He wished he didn't see Alvaro standing over you, that dead look in his eyes Huíshēng found so familiar. He wished he didn't see the sword in Alvaro's hand.

Anything, anything at all, would be better than this.

"Alvaro!" He snapped as he came back to his senses, immediately running over. He pulled you into his arms and backed away from Alvaro, who stared him down silently.

"Huíshēng," Alvaro mumbled in return.

"What in the dawn's name are you doing?!" Huíshēng looked down at you, you who clung onto him so tight, coughing up blood. He could see some of those crystals that grew from your skin ripped off, blood gushing from wounds.

"You know what I'm doing," Alvaro sighed and squeezed his eyes shut. "You figured it out too, don't lie to me. You knew what had to be done, you just didn't have the guts."

"The guts...? The guts?!" Huíshēng could feel fury like never before, glaring wildly up at Alvaro. "I was trying to find another way! Any way!"

"For her to stay?"

Alvaro stared at Huíshēng, watched as tears filled his eyes and he sobbed over your dying body. "Yes. Yes, for her to stay, for her to suffer no more." He clasped your cheek and put his forehead to yours. "Oh, Stardust, Stardust I'm so sorry... I'm so so so sorry, I'm sorry."

That's all you could hear, Huíshēng's apologies. You couldn't even remember how you'd ended up like this, why it hurt so bad. Vague memories of Alvaro's sudden and ruthless attack flashed by, but never lingered long enough for you to comprehend.

But Huíshēng was warm, and his sorrowful voice was so soothing. You choked out a laugh, pain ripping through your chest. Finally, finally, he was holding you just as you'd wanted him to again.

"It's... Okay... Don't— don't feel bad... I'm used to this..."

Then it all went dark.

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