Huíshēng | 83 . easy

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A heavy sigh fell from your lips as Alvaro sat down the last of the books and scrolls he'd grabbed for his research. You were strewn across the table, absolutely exhausted from helping him haul everything over. "I am never... Hanging out with you again..." You wagged a finger at him with a harsh glare.

"Maybe you'll never hang out with anybody else here again after tonight," Alvaro said in return. That caught your attention.

"Huh?" With furrowed brows, you sat up. "Why do you say that?"

You'd admitted a lot to Alvaro while the two of you had been gathering everything Alvaro deemed 'necessary'. But you didn't know why that would spawn such a comment.

"Well..." Alvaro sighed, pushing a hand through his hair and taking a seat. "When I first lost Nona... I did a lot of research on revivals and gods." He patted one of the books. "These are all of what I found most informative from back then. I can't guarantee it'll help your situation but..."

"It could give us an idea?" You assumed. He nodded.

"I think I have a hypothesis already, but I want to refresh my memory before I share it," Alvaro told you.

So you leant back. "Be my guest." You crossed your arms and tilted your head up to the ceiling. "I've tried in every lifetime to figure out what the hell is going on with me, but I've never been successful..."

Alvaro got to work with a roll of his eyes. Silence fell between you two, only broken by sighs and the flipping of pages. You eventually ended up with your head on the table, deep in sleep.

That's exactly how you were when he suddenly slammed his hands down, shooting up. A loud yelp escaped you as you groggily looked around.

"Huh? Wha...?"

"I found it," Alvaro said quickly, grabbing you by the wrist and pulling you up with him. "I've got it now." He looked down at you firmly, with a bit of a smile. "That wasn't so hard. Why'd it take you so long?"

Your eyes widened as you processed his words. But before you could say anything he was tugging you along.

"Guh! What's even going on!" You squeaked, barely able to keep up with him.

"You'll figure it out, promise. You may not like me so much by the end of this, Huíshēng won't either, but... It's alright. I just need to pay him back, and this is the best way."

You groaned loudly. Alvaro was speaking in riddles now, just like everyone else. You thought you could rely on him not to, but perhaps you were too hopeful.

"Fuck my life!" You groaned as Alvaro dragged you down the halls, squeezing your eyes shut briefly.

Angelic Binds // yandere(s) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now