Kaja | 26 . crystalline

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"And this is home." Kaja stated as she opened the door to what could only be described as a dingy place. Barely a studio apartment. Barely anything. "Don't mind the smell. It's the neighbors." Kaja shrugged. As soon as you stepped in, you were sneezing. "You'll get used to it." She laughed.

"How do you live like this?" You coughed. Kaja paused in taking off her shoes.

"No choice but to." She answered. "It was worse before... Anything was an upgrade, even this." Kaja gestured around.

It was an awful little space, but Kaja tried to make you feel as comfortable as she could. She let you sleep on the bed and she took the pullout, made you a good meal in the morning, and gave you her number when she left for the day.

So you were there, in that dingy apartment that was barely an apartment. You'd explore, but there wasn't much to explore at all. So you sat there on your phone, trying to collect whatever else information you could.

That's when you discovered there was no way out of here. You were on an island that was entirely isolated, on lockdown from the world.

That was why Kaja remained in a land she clearly couldn't have a life in.

What the hell type of dystopia were you in right now? The question came and went without much answer. Eventually you worked up energy to go and take a shower. That's when you noticed small little black spots on you. When you touched them, they felt like crystals. They were odd, and extremely tiny.

You chipped one off, and a surging pain rattled through your bones. Your head spun and you lost your balance from it. Worse, when your blurry vision came to, you saw the crystalline area had expanded.

Satia hadn't mentioned anything about this. Did maybe Chava know what was happening? Or Kaja? Anybody? Did anybody know what was happening?

When Kaja returned, you immediately had her take a look. Her expression crossed with worry and horror as she ran her hands over one of the spots. "I've never seen anything like this," Kaja breathed out, "it hurt to snap off?"

"It felt like fucking fire."

"I'm familiar." She nodded.

"Right, the..."

"Mm." She nodded again. "I'm afraid I don't know what's going on..."

"That sucks." You mumbled. "... Do you think it came from... Wherever I come from?"

Kaja's expression became all the more grim. "Perhaps." She ran a hand over one of the spots with a soft expression. "It's a leap but they did sometimes run experiments on those they didn't see... Fit."


"For their purposes."

You were hesitant to ask, but the look in Kaja's eyes had you desperate. "Where do we come from?"

Kaja's breathing hitched, and she averted her gaze as she ran a hand through her hair. "... Some things are better left in the past, you know."

"But what if it's the key to this?"

What if these were the answers you had been seeking? Before what happened with Hibiki, you'd never much questioned the secrets of the universe. Now it consumed your every thought. So much so it led you here, out of the comfort of that strange god Satia.

She is as still hesitant, but slowly, her dark eyed gaze met you. "... Are you sure?"

You nodded, "I want to know everything."

Angelic Binds // yandere(s) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now