Ichó | 45 . rumors

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They were there again the next morning. You watched them walk around talking to your coworkers. And you couldn't quite read their expression this time. Perhaps they were still sad, or maybe bored, but it was as blank as a new canvas.

So you went about your business. There was no reason to pry in someone else's affairs. Ichó didn't seem the friendliest anyways. It was probably better to just stay out of their way entirely.

Ichó didn't seem to think it was best they stay out of your business though. "Are you done?" They asked, leant against the entrance to your cubical. You blinked in surprise and stared up at them.

"Um," you hesitated. They rose a brow. "Yeah, yeah, I think I'm done for the day... Why?"

They were quiet for a few seconds, shrugging. "Pack up. I'm taking everybody out for dinner and drinks."

"Huh?" You were surprised by their statement, but you had no time to ask before they were gone.

So you packed up quickly and went to meet up with the others. Tulip wrapped an arm around yours, talking your ear off as the two of you walked. For some reason, your gaze kept drifting to Ichó. They were a bit more dressed down today, and had their arms resting in their pockets while talking to Quill.

Their pink eyes looked even more beautiful against the pink sunset. You were staring at the way they seemed to shine like pearls, and you could faintly hear the sound of their husky laugh.

Then Tulip giggled from beside you. "You're not even listening to me!" She accused, and you had no reasonable defense. "What has you so transfixed? Oh!" Her gaze followed to where you'd been staring, and you blushed. "Ichó? You were staring at them?" Tulip asked in a mock whisper.

You pursed your lips and averted your gaze. "... They have nice eyes."

"I guess their eyes are an unusual color. You know, there's a rumor about them," Tulip rose a finger. "Their eyes weren't always pink, and they're missing one." She whispered to you.

"That's ridiculous." You scolded softly. It felt ridiculous for this world at least. This world that felt so familiar to what you were used to.

Tulip just giggled and shrugged, and the conversation ended there.

Eventually everybody made their way to the restaurant and Ichó got a private table set up.

And somehow you ended up sat next to them.

Angelic Binds // yandere(s) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now