Huíshēng | 80 . beautiful, gorgeous

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"I didn't realize you'd be here."

"I desired for it to be a delightful surprise, stardust."

Your eyes widened slightly as Huíshēng uttered that nickname. Your smile twitched upwards more. "Why stardust?"

"Because," he breathed, "you're stardust. What else can I call something as beautiful and gorgeous as you?"

Just as he'd caught you off guard merely by being so, Huíshēng did it once more. He reached his hand out and cupped your cheek. "Stardust, you're stardust." His repeated words made your heart flutter.

"If someone is beautiful here, it's you," you mumbled in return. Slowly lifting your hand to cup his. Just one look in those shining pearlescent irises of his, just one look at that silky snow colored hair... How could anybody deny it?

"Most would disagree." Huíshēng closed his eyes, and you felt saddened. "But that matters not. For you have claimed I am beautiful, so how could I be anything else?"

You could feel his soft hand slightly on your lips, and you wanted to lean in. So desperately you wanted to cup his cheeks and kiss him. Yet it felt like the wall he'd put between you two was impossible to climb over or tear down.

"Huíshēng," you whispered. He opened his eyes and looked at you adoringly. "I want to get out of here."

A beat, a flash of sadness, and a soft, "Then who am I to refuse?"

You shook your head.

"I want to get out of here with you."

Before you knew it, the two of you had ditched the birthday party of a God. You found yourself holding tightly onto Huíshēng's hand as he led you deep into the garden.

You didn't know such a beautiful and luscious place existed here in these lands. Yet here you were, undeniably, with Huíshēng.

Huíshēng, who looked at you like you were the rising sun he adored so much. Huíshēng, who unexpectedly pulled you into his arms and squeezed you tight.

"What's wrong?" You breathed, gently wrapping your arms around him as well. You'd never had a chance to hold him like this.

"I wish we could be one until the last star burns out," Huíshēng whispered.

"Why can't we?"

He clung onto you more tightly.

"Because you, you, lovely you... You are stardust."

"And that means something more, doesn't it?" You muttered, weaving your hands into his long locks of pearlescent hair. "You never speak a word that isn't calculated and precise."

Huíshēng was hesitant to speak back. "Stardust," he breathed, "stardust, you are far beyond me. Even as I hold you now, you're so far away from this me."

Angelic Binds // yandere(s) x readerWhere stories live. Discover now