Huíshēng | 76 . as it approaches

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You'd stayed up all night thinking. Just staring up at the ceiling and thinking about everything. Sleep had become lost on you easily these past few months. Every time you closed your eyes, you relieved the past.

You got stabbed, your soul collapsed in on itself, you were shot. Hibiki was crazed, Kaja was in pain, and Ichó sad.

But when you were awake, you could imagine Huíshēng. You could imagine his lights, and his everlasting smile. You could recall and memorize what each and every one of his phrases meant.

'May you see the dawn in it's glory', affectionate terminology for wishing the best for someone.

'My, as the sun rises', to call someone clever or be amazed.

'What do you daydream of?', what's on your mind?

You could laugh a little, and your heart could skip a beat in your chest again. How anybody could despise him just for what he was was lost on you. Huíshēng felt like a breath of fresh air.

'To make peace with your past is to rely', he'd told you. But you'd relied, and you'd suffered betrayal. Yet...

Something felt different now.

It felt like you'd know Huíshēng forever. Just as you had felt instinctively comfortable with Kaja, how you felt interconnected with Ichó, you felt like Huíshēng and you were reunited. You wondered just why that was.

You also wondered how there was so many you's strewn across all of these universes. Yet there wasn't another face you ever recognized. Not beyond Chava, who was always the same. People and things felt familiar, but slipped from your grasp before you could comprehend them.

Your life cycle... Why did it have to be so very confusing? The mystery was getting slightly exhausting. No, very exhausting...

And just like that, the sun rose, and the party approached. Hàoyú helped you dress readily, his beastly hands rearranging your appearance. He rose to tippy toes as he put fine jewelry around your neck, and his eyes shimmered as he stared at the adornments.

"You're beautiful, my lady!" The child beamed when he finished up. You stared yourself down in the mirror, and ran your thumb over your bottom lip. Slowly you tilted your head to the side.



"How long is this party going to be?"

He hesitated, and smiled nervously. "I'm not sure. In the past, sometimes you'd stay over night."

The boy's words caused you to give him a strange look. "At the palace of a God?"

"Yes... Ah, with permission of one of his personal liege's of course." Hàoyū bowed his head, his eyes fluttering shut.

"Huh," you breathed, "I wonder why."

He didn't respond to this, and instead the two of you left your room.

The party drew near, and you had but a few more hours to steel yourself for it. To willingly enter a new god's domain. To brace for the consequences of taking such an abrasive action.

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