Ch. 141

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"I-Is he dead?" Kania asked.

"I guess we could wait and see if the sand of the temple shifts below. Even if he isn't, he's at the very least, out of our way." Hakate stepped towards the side, raising his hat, spotting two other dots in the distance. A smirk grew.

"Our?" Kania asked.

"You're after the crown," he added. "...and there it is. You forgot about our deal."

Kania squinted his eyes, still staring at the sand.

"You still have time to prove it," Hakate muttered before he trod towards the Morians.

As soon as the sand stopped moving, Kania began digging. Ranpa was nowhere to be found, but with a quiet opportunity at hand, he had to try. Either way, everything was much easier than fulfilling Hakate's plan.

"Tss..." Ranpa sucked in air through his teeth, pulling the chains apart near the seams, nearly the same way he did with Genni. Although, it was a little easier with the girl. The three quickly noticed that her restraints weren't as tight, so before it took too long, she joined the Paladian desperately trying to free the white-haired Morian.

Morio peeked his head out, trying to see anything in the distance. "H-Hurry up," he muttered. "I can't see them."

"I'm trying," Ranpa uttered, tugging on both ends the same way he did with Genni, although they didn't give in as easily. The girl, a little frustrated, eventually stood up, looking around. Her eyes landed on the nearby half of the cart, and then near the Shaiti Temple.

Morio was right. Nothing but the waves of sand continuously kicked up into the sky, forming and puffing into even more clouds. It was almost too quiet, but Genni had no other idea than to try and make a move. She ran for it, leaping towards the top and searching around the cloth before unearthing her boomerang. With a quick turn, she threw it towards the chains, and it bounced right off, creating some water that seeped into Morio's, and in turn, Ranpa's clothes.

"Ah." Ranpa moved back a little. "Is that your-"

"Yes," Genni answered, quickly sprinting back. "Morio, did they loosen?"

"Mhh..." Morio closed one eye, pulling himself. "A little."

"Want me to get your Guardian Demon?" she asked.

Morio shook his head. "I don't think even trying to zap myself would work out. More water, Genni."

She nodded, throwing the boomerang, as it bounced off the metallic chains and spawned even more around the Morian. Ranpa moved back a little, almost crawling away from the two. "G-Guardian Demons, huh?"

Morio turned to him. "Is it your first time seeing this?"

"Come on. All know it's no witchtale, and the answer is no."

"Ha." Genni breathed out, catching the boomerang again. "Guessing by the fact that the two there fought Isak, it means that at least one must have something to use."

"N-No." Ranpa shook his head. "The two are against it, and I saw them way earlier. A couple of guys called Klakunhoi in Prope Portam. Although... It'd be a heap of a story as to what happened next."

"Klakunhoi?" Morio squinted his eyes. "Who... what Demonears?"

"Ah." Ranpa looked up. "Three guys. Although I couldn't tell you much. Very secretive people."

Morio's eyes shrunk. "I swear I've heard that name somewhere before..." he shook his head.

"Hm." Ranpa squinted his eyes for a second. "Well, there aren't too many Demonears present nowadays. You might know each other."

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