Ch. 118

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"There is something so beautifully strange about a human." Hakate thought, stepping back into the town of Windsdale, delightfully carrying his weapon in one hand, with Gloria resting in the middle of his other grip.

The people all around carried on with their day-to-day routines. The markets were quickly filled with sellers and warm smiles, and the edges of the ocean were occupied by fishermen sitting on the port. Some jumped in, managing to catch an exotic type of seafood with their very own hands, while the others chatted about the weird birds surrounding the town.

Hakate noticed them as well. The sound that always permeated the surrounding atmosphere was rather strange, and the first time he stepped into Windsdale it wasn't present. It came with time, and surprisingly, coincidentally when the Demonear ban became a semi-worldwide phenomenon.

Nature came back to a city already filled with palms and people connecting with the sea, as well as various deities in the churches surrounding town. The hunters kept everything in order, smiling, waving towards passing citizens and reminding them to make sure and report any nearby commotion.

Maybe the birds were a reward for their great actions. Their great humanity.

"I never understood why someone would willingly want to step towards that demonic side." Hakate continued thinking. "Humans are already so powerful. Becoming a Demonear is simply admitting to your weakness. Why would you want to side with something that isn't just like you?" he shook his head, looking all around the market.

The dead fish were on display, amongst crabs or other seafood cooking in the pot.

"Weaker than you. Other creatures may have sharp claws, survival instincts or some shiny gems sold for a lot hidden inside their mouths. But humans can think. Critically, as well. It's what differentiates us, there's always a reason behind why we're doing something."

"Mr Hakate!" A voice came from his right, and another Hunter stormed in, with a polite smile. Hakate beamed back, ever so lightly. "Did you catch the Demonears?"

"Yes." he lied, nodding his head in full approval. "I served them justice."

"I see. Thank you for your contribution." the other continued.

"No, I should be thanking you." he bumped his shoulder. "You're the only few amongst the lower levels that understand my point of view. What was his name again, Mark?"

"M-Mark, exactly."

"He too went for a spin and got himself killed by his very own weapon. Just like my brother." Hakate lied.

"Precisely. I urge for the world to never side with those devils again!" The other bowed. "Thank you!"

"Thank us. Thank the Hunters." Hakate grinned, with a lowly voice. Soon, the other disappeared, running towards another stand selling fried fish.

"Stupid monkey." Hakate thought, his expression easing back out. "Or just a stupid human, I'd never compare him. His mind is in the right place but there's only simplicity behind his actions. Some motivation, life is never that simple." he stepped out of the market.

The sun carried rays down onto the port, and Hakate put both hands in his pockets, hiding his weapons. There was a ship soon setting sail, with quite a line of Harans, as well as a few Paladians ready to leave.

"I have to remind myself. Humans too, find themselves to be weaker or stronger. The latter are ones capable of fabricating a lie if it means that the roads will curve in their favour. There is no dead brother, and the Morians are still loose. To myself, I'm willing to admit that mistake, but to the others, I wonder how they'd portray me."

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